DL Open Thread: Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Filed in National by on March 16, 2021

As the Acting Chairman of the Mid-Delaware Mike Ramone Haters Club, I fully endorse this attempt to make Ramone account for his abuse of office.

Murkowski won as a write in but her hat can’t contain another rabbit.

Chuck Schumer is having a little chat with Lisa Murkowski?

(CNN)President Joe Biden is facing growing political tension, including from within his own party, over his administration’s strategy on the US-Mexico border as officials race to address the number of children crossing the border alone.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I’ve been trying to hold this depressing Italy lockdown news at arm’s length.


  2. From Ramone’s lawyer:

    ““The notion that a legislator has a conflict of interest because a piece of legislation could potentially affect the legislator or the legislator’s friends, family, or employer, is a very slippery slope,” Forsten said, via email. “One could argue that healthcare bills, or insurance bills, or environmental bills, or other regulatory bills, or any number of other bills could all have the potential, in one way or another, to potentially have some effect on a legislator’s employer, business, family or friends. I think most legislators recognize that where a bill has a general or wide effect on the state or economy as a whole, there is no need for recusal.”

    First, legislators with at least some ethics have recused themselves when there was an apparent conflict. Sen. George Howard Bunting, for example, who ran an insurance agency, routinely recused himself from voting on insurance legislation. Sen. John Still usually didn’t vote, but worked behind the scenes on insurance bills, often to his own benefit.

    Here’s what we know: We KNOW that Ramone had an undisclosed conflict-of-interest on the stock exchange, and finally got called out in the Philly press. We KNOW that he traded his vote on a budget bill in exchange for a ‘training wage’ that he took full advantage of in his pool business. Those are blatant conflicts-of-interest. WE KNOW that Our PAL Val Longhurst has a conflict of interest every time she votes on behalf of the cops. We KNOW that Nicole Poore only has the lucrative Jobs For Delaware Graduates salary BECAUSE she is a state legislator and can make sure the program gets all the funds it needs.

    Save me the BS hypotheticals, we can all use our common sense.