DL Open Thread: Friday, March 19, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 19, 2021

A New Rethug Election-Stealing Trick.  Find someone with a similar name to the D, prop ’em up with dark money, steal election.

Rethugs Sue B/C…They Can’t Use State Stimulus Funds For, Wait For It, Tax Cuts.  I’m no attorney, but it seems to me that the Federal government has every right to require that Federal money be used for the purpose for which it was given.

This Bleeping Cherokee County Cop:

People online quickly uncovered Baker’s personal social media accounts, which allegedly included a Facebook photo of a T-shirt with words stating the coronavirus was imported from “CHY-NA,” which is a play on former President Donald Trump’s pronunciation on “China.” Baker’s Facebook page was deleted Wednesday night.

Fire his ass.

Trump EPA Helped Companies Rewrite Records Of Their Serial Pollution:

But while the community group was plumbing the public records on ethylene oxide, companies that release the chemical were quietly conducting their own campaign: changing those records to make their emissions appear smaller and less harmful, thus erasing hundreds of thousands of pounds from the public record. What’s worse, in at least some cases they appear to have done so at the invitation of the EPA, which, under the leadership of former chemical industry executives appointed by President Donald Trump, aggressively rolled back air pollution safeguards.

Ethylene oxide. Does anyone in Delaware make that?

Police Unions Amass Huge War Chests To Defend Racist Cops.  The Thin Blue Line isn’t so thin.

Carney, Speaker Pete, Playing ‘Rope-A-Dope’ With Minimum Wage.  For the third (or is it the fourth?) time,  Pete Schwartzkopf has consigned the $15 minimum wage bill to an inhospitable House committee. He would not have done this if John Carney supported this bill as written.  Carney’s weasel words are almost exactly the same as were uttered by minimum wage ‘supporters’ Chris Coons and Tom Carper.  Translation?  They support it, but just not now.  All three of these DINO’s have never supported the bill when it counted–when it came close to being enacted.  I think I’ve read words very much like these before:

“I’ve supported a $15 minimum wage for some time now,” Carney said. “The question really is, how do you get there … and how do you get there particularly in the context of the economy, the pandemic economy we find ourselves in?”

Carney said this year’s bill has tried to “strike the balance there,” and that he’s looking forward to “the debate in the General Assembly around timing.”

Oh, yes, ‘timing’, as in the ‘timing’s not right.’  It never is for Carney, Carper and Coons.

Bill Bush also gives up the game:

“It’s my hope that providing a date-certain for a hearing on SB 15 will demonstrate our commitment to fostering a full, fair and open discussion on this bill,” Bush said in the statement.

Here’s the problem: Schwartzkopf has stacked this committee with just enough Chamber lackeys to ensure that the bill can get buried in committee.  I’ll have more on this soon, including a roll call of the D’s who haven’t signed onto the bill.  But if you support a $15 minimum wage, it’s up to you and every organization that supports the bill to place relentless pressure on the House and, more importantly, Governor John Carney.  Remember, kids, he’s not a Democrat. It’s up to you to make him act like one.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Depressing shit. Carney sucks dirty, sweaty Chamber of Commerce balls. We need a real D to run for governor.

    On the bright side, 100 million vaccinated as of today!

  2. mediawatch says:

    Nothing new about the Florida election steal. When you get a chance, read “How to Rig an Election” by Nic Cheeseman & Brian Klaas. It details all the scams employed by counterfeit democracies in Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America and could have worked as a how-to manual for The Former Guy, if he knew how to read.

  3. Alby says:

    That “same name” trick is anything but new. They used to do it against Pennsylvania’s Bob Caseys, both father and son, and on at least one occasion it worked.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Sarah McBride in MSNBC right now. A much better look for Democrats and Delaware relative to our usual GOP talking points supporting US Senator.

  5. Alby says:

    While I am loath to criticize Biden, who’s so far been much better than progressives could have hoped, it seems his instincts remain reactionary: The White House is firing aides who admitted smoking marijuana:


  6. bamboozer says:

    It’s not just Biden, it’s Carper and Coons as well that are reactionaries. Solution is don’t tell anyone your sparkin’ up some weed until it’s legalized. Speaking of which now is the time to give legalization the full court press, it’s popular with Americans even if the politicians don’t want it. Realize full well that frequently means nothing in our stunted excuse for democracy but the justification is revenue, lots of it.

  7. mediawatch says:

    Joe got out ahead of Barack on same-sex marriage. Shouldn’t be too hard for him to get out ahead of Carney on weed. Rather than firing or suspending staff, he should be ordering some fresh plantings in the Rose Garden.