DL Open Thread: Saturday, March 20, 2021
Know Your Violent Insurrectionists: Christopher John Worrell. Jennifer Marie Heinl. Jeffrey McKellop. I’m really enjoying these profiles by PvtJarHead in Daily Kos.
TN Rethugs Rally To Save Bust Of Notorious KKK Racist. Tell me this Party isn’t dying.
Biden And Afghanistan. It’s–complicated. I’m with Freda Payne on this one:
Department Of Education Cancels $1 Billion In Student Debt. For those who were victims of fraud. This reverses a policy that was implemented by Betsy DeVos.
A Cure For Cow Flatulence? Up to an 80% reduction via seaweed? Chew on that for awhile. Then fire up the grille.
What do you want to talk about?
Just because the GOP is getting EVEN MORE openly racist and fascist doesn’t mean it’s dying….. and other things that keep me up and night.
There are more trumpy politicians in national office now than in 2017.
I respectfully disagree. They are down to playing their last card–keep minorities from voting.
Pass the John Lewis Act and watch that strategy begin to disappear.
Yes, we’ll have to deal with gerrymandering. But, as Lindsey Graham once said, “There aren’t enough angry old white folks to keep us in power.”
MTG isnt an old white man. Ben Shapiro, Kushner, Miller….. they arent old white men. these people are being replicated more than i think we want to admit. true, demographics arent on their side, but thats all the more incentive for them to “go for it” with regard to just becoming monarchists.
the way i see it, there are 2 outcomes.
1, their only play… which is basically violent takeover and putin-style rule or
2, it fails and they fall apart.
im never more than 55% convinced either will happen….. which as far as violent fascist takovers go, that aint good.
Tea Party people morped in to stone cold racist. Now Trumpers, Proud Boys, Three Percenters, Oath Keepers and the list goes on. All adds up to the twenty first century Republicans. Sad, really sad. With Libertarians on the ballot, they will have a very hard time to get elected. Noticed how the corporate press never gives us the independents poll numbers? It is not good for Republicans and I believe it is deliberate. RIP GOP.
Updated version of Pete Seeger song:
Nope, sad to say the Republican party may be an ever smaller tent, but it’s not going anywhere soon. They have embraced racism as opposed to denying it, they wave their Fascist flag high and have no love for democracy. But a substantial percentage of Americans are cheering it on. Sure, they tend to have a scruffy beard, drive an F150 and love their precious guns, but they are still here and still vote.
my scruffy beard is offended.
This is a good and interesting essay:
In local racist, transphobic and homophobic news Sean Lynn has been subjected to a vicious smear in his neighborhood this morning. Check his Facebook for details but it is beyond sick. Sean needs to be publicly supported!
More details for those of us without social media?
Think Qanon. pizza gate