Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday, March 23, 2021

How is it that these white mass murders are always taken alive, but if you are black and get caught sleeping in a car….?

Kevin Daly, who owns a restaurant and brewery in the shopping center, said he was inside, readying his business for reopening after the pandemic when his manager, in a bank across the parking lot, heard the gunshots.

“Someone saw the livestream, so we pulled it up and locked ourselves in the office,” he said, the start of an hourslong ordeal in which he and his employees periodically opened the door to shelter traumatized witnesses to the shooting.

“The guy just went in there and started shooting,” he said. “People were just in shock. A lot of them had seen bodies and carnage.”

Mr. Daly said he didn’t know who the victims were “and I don’t know what happened in the grocery store, but I do know that it is easier to get a gun in this state than it is to get a driver’s license or to vote.”

“And I’m angry,” he said. “And all I know is, this should have stopped after Columbine. It should have stopped after Sandy Hook. And I’m angry that we are still discussing this.”

Biden’s Big Package

The NYT reports on Biden’s big infrastructure package. I say, just do it through reconciliation and do-not give any money to states where the majority of the congressional delegation votes no. Fuck the GOP.

WASHINGTON — President Biden’s economic advisers are pulling together a sweeping $3 trillion package to boost the economy, reduce carbon emissions and narrow economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.

After months of internal debate, Mr. Biden’s advisers are expected to present the spending proposal to the president and congressional leaders this week, as well as begin outreach to industry and labor groups. On Monday, Mr. Biden’s national climate adviser, Gina McCarthy, discussed his infrastructure plans — and their role in combating climate change — in a meeting with oil and gas industry executives.


34 Jobs!

Are you sitting down?  34 jobs!!! WOO HOO!! I’ll bet they got $34 million from the top secret economic development committee. We may never know.

E-commerce company Newacme bringing 34 jobs with expansion in New Castle

You can ad “sex work” to the list of things New Zealand is getting right

Auckland Escorts: What New Zealand’s Sex Work Actually Looks Like – Film Daily

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