DL Open Thread: Saturday, March 27, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 27, 2021

Moscow Mitch Loses Kentucky Smelting Plant.  Sad:

In 2019, Rusal announced its commitment to invest $200 million in the plant, which stirred up criticism as the decision came shortly after the U.S. Treasury Department lifted sanctions on Rusal and its parent company. A spokesman for Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, then majority leader, told the Washington Post that the lawmaker didn’t know at the time that Braidy had hopes of a deal with Rusal when he backed the effort to lift sanctions on the Russian company.

Why Fox News Could Be In Deep Doo-Doo Over Voting Machine Lawsuits. Media Matters runs down the transgressions, one-by-one.  Read and enjoy.

How Kristi Noem May Have Deep-Sixed Her Political Future Over, Wait For It, Transgender Sports Participation.  Mmmm, delicious tasty schadenfreude.

Remember Paraquat?  Here’s How ICI Conspired To Lie About Its Toxicity.  A whistleblower is taking them to court.

The Successful Campaign To Get The University Of Michigan To Divest From The Fossil Fuel Industry.  Impressive when you consider that the automotive industry was the engine that helped to build the University in the first place.

Maryland Governor Signs Bill To Redress Historic Underfunding At State’s HBCU’s.  $577 mill, to be precise.  I wonder if Delaware State has the right to similar claims.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    LOVE this:

    It wasn’t quite that Noem had a change of heart. Her position is still sure to offend liberals who see it as her going after transgender kids. It’s just that it’s now also sure to fire up conservatives too. They liked the original bill and think Noem is catering to the political left…..on Monday, Fox star Tucker Carlson and Noem ended up in an on-air verbal wrestling match when Carlson said she was “caving” to the NCAA.

    1) Aim gun at your own foot
    2) Fire
    3) Repeat

  2. Alby says:

    Festering anal fissure Devin Nunes had to file amended reports with the Federal Election Commission because they were screwed up the first time by his campaign treasurer who is…his mom.
