Delaware Liberal

Dear Republicans: This Is Why We Don’t Respect You

I stumbled across a headline today that quoted some random conservative complaining that “maybe if we canceled sports, then they’d respect us.”

I hear this all the time: The reason Republicans pursue the culture wars with such fervor is that liberals treat them with disrespect. And we do. And this formulation pretends that the supposed victims of our scorn are treated that way unfairly.

They’re not. Republicans, or conservatives as they like to pretend they are, are selfish, greedy assholes, and they prove it every day in ways large, medium and small because this is who they are. It’s selfish, greedy tribalism all the way down. Why don’t we respect you? Because you don’t respect anybody else.

The country is made up, politically, of two kinds of people: Those who believe we are all equal, at least before the law, and those who think they are special and therefore deserving of more. More to the point, they think others are less important and deserve less, which is why the assholes who run Missouri would turn down the 10% they would have to pay to unlock the other 90% in federal funds. White racists and conservatives — but I repeat myself — have shown time and again that they will bring suffering on themselves rather than lend a hand to Black people, or even treat them as human beings.

Are you a rugged individualist? This is an American term for “asshole” that polls better. Are you worried about your taxes? Then you’re a greedy asshole without the common sense to see that those residents of Europe’s “socialist” countries pay a tax rate not much higher than ours, but they get bill-free health care and higher education for those dollars. Do you think guns are needed to protect against tyrannical government? Really? So you’re stupid enough to think the men who wrote the Constitution included an amendment that gives the people the right to overthrow the government it created?

There’s a simple reason we don’t respect you: You don’t respect anybody else. You talk constantly about “personal responsibility,” which in conservo-speak means “No Money for *****rs,” and never take any yourself. Intellectually you are children, which you demonstrate with every troll comment that’s ever been posted here — you can’t find one that rises above the level of middle-school insults. And you’re incredibly gullible, falling for the worst, most obvious con men American society can produce and electing them to represent you.

Anyone who’s taken Psych 101 understands that your behavior is the result of deep-seated, and quite accurate, feelings of inferiority. You lost the culture wars because you are, in fact, losers — bitter people clinging to a God that doesn’t exist, guns that don’t protect you from the capitalism that has left you for roadkill, and wanting to kill something to prove that you are a man and not an easily manipulated lump of protoplasm whose base instincts are exploited every day by the people you think, against all evidence, are on your side. Yeah, sucks to be you, but have you noticed that after four years of owning the libs you have nothing to show for it?

You want respect? Give some. It’s that simple, and I’d bet a large sum of folding money you’ll never be able to do it, for the simple reason that you have never demonstrated the minimum levels of character, intelligence and skills necessary to function as a decent human being.

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