Q: When does Krista Griffith like progressive initiatives?

Filed in National by on April 7, 2021
A: When she is running for office.
Q: When does Krista Griffith like Republicans? 
A: When she joins in voting with them to kill progressive initiatives.

Delaware United activist Dustyn Thompson joins Rob in the virtual bunker to give an update on what Delaware’s state legislature has been working on for the past three months from minimum wage to legal weed to gun bills. Plus, what hasn’t happened, and what needs to happen going forward.

Show Notes:

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. C says:

    JC, a lance to boil? Ok, good luck. You are a legend in your own mind. I’m sure Krista is shaking in her boots waiting for you. Poll minimum wage in RD12…let me save you the money…it’s not something high on most voter’s minds there, yet Krista is likely to support it when it comes to the floor. Don’t you understand politics? Every Rep/Sen needs different cover/space/etc based on their districts. It really is a shame when you start coming for ppl who aren’t 100% with you or following your timeframe. Run a hard left candidate in RD12…you’ll lose the seat again…and then you can’t pass anything. Politics is a game of coalitions and incremental progress. Your way doesn’t work, but JC, go ahead and lance away.

  2. Alby says:

    Remember all those Republicans who switched parties to vote for Jack Markell in the primary in 2008 and never switched back? A disproportionate number are her constituents. She’s afraid they’ll switch back.

    • jason330 says:

      Given the current state of the DEGOP, that strikes me as a very dumb fear to have.

      • Alby says:

        There are no fearless politicians.

        • Griffith was elected in a marginally-R district. It is now strongly D. All long after Markell left office. Either she’s a Democrat, or she’s not. Laura Sturgeon beat Greg Lavelle, and Kyle Evans Gay defeated Cathy Cloutier. Virtually all of Griffith’s district (with the exception of one ED that somehow is in Sokola’s district) is in their two Senate districts. They voted for the minimum wage. Just what is her problem?

          • Alby says:

            Registration doesn’t tell the story — lots of those “Democrats” are Markell Democrats and so have no party loyalty — as much as household income does.

  3. jason330 says:

    Is it me? It seems like even if you don’t like something, you VOTE IT OUT OF COMMITTEE rather than join with the fucking pitiful GOP.

    You give your colleagues a little respect and have some self-respect by voting against it on the floor. Jesus.

  4. jason330 says:

    I mean, I don’t really know how the sausage is made. Maybe there really is some long game she is playing and this makes sense(?). Maybe someone has something on Griffith.. who the fuck knows?

    But joining with and empowering Republicans to sink progressive initiatives seems like some very fucked up shit to me.

  5. Joe Connor says:

    Griffith won the seat back, that’s nice. She won it again against a tomato can and had open road to do the right thing. Instead she has become a festering boil that needs to be lanced 9/22!

  6. Joe Connor says:

    It would be delicious if Gerry and Krista had a primary…………. Against each other:)