Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, April 10, 2021

Voter Suppression Too Extreme Even For Wisconsin’s Right-Wing Supreme Court.  “If the court had ruled the other way, thousands of voters would have routinely come off the rolls every two years when election officials believed they had moved.”

The Absolute Corruption Of Clarence And Virginia Thomas.  It has ever been thus with these two. An under-reported story.  Here’s a taste, going all the way back to 2010:

…But to some people who study judicial ethics, Mrs. Thomas’s activism is raising knotty questions, in particular about her acceptance of large, unidentified contributions for Liberty Central. She began the group in late 2009 with two gifts of $500,000 and $50,000, and because it is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit group, named for the applicable section of the federal tax code, she does not have to publicly disclose any contributors. Such tax-exempt groups are supposed to make sure that less than half of their activities are political.

Nonprofit groups with political agendas like Liberty Central are operating in this election cycle under evolving legal and regulatory standards, most notably the ruling last January by the Supreme Court in the Citizens United case, which eased restrictions on independent campaign spending by corporations and unions. In that case, Justice Thomas, long an advocate of dismantling campaign finance restrictions, was in the 5-to-4 majority. Wealthy individuals and some corporations, emboldened by the ruling, are giving to such groups to influence the election but still hide their tracks.

How Koch-Sponsored Group Goes After University Professors.  Decline to sponsor a RWNJ student group?  We’ll take your job, buddy:

Campus Reform is published by the Leadership Institute, a nonprofit that has trained conservative activists for four decades through the generous funding of billionaire donors like the Koch family. The institute reported more than $16 million in revenue in 2018 alone. Over the last several years, Campus Reform has targeted hundreds of college professors like Hatemi, leading to online harassment campaigns, doxxing, threats of violence, and calls on universities to fire their faculty.

Christian Funding Site Raising Big Bucks For The Proud Boys.  Just as Jesus intended.

Loser GOP Governor Candidate Files Lawsuit Protesting Virtual Meetings Of General Assembly.  Why, because the Suxco mouth-breathers who oppose any kind of gun bills couldn’t intimidate every legislator within shootin’ distance. BTW:

If those rulings were agreed to, the lawsuit also calls for all bills passed in the session to be null and void and also award attorneys’ fees and any other fees and costs connected to the lawsuit.

Like that’s gonna happen.  These assholes should be made to pay for every penny of the costs associated with these proceedings.

Medical Marijuana Groups Oppose Legalized Weed.  Why? Because it horns in on their turf.  The Delaware Way. Fuck them.

What do you want to talk about?

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