Who Should We Endorse In School Board Elections?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 27, 2021

Actually, not just ‘Who Should We Endorse?’

But ‘Who Should We Oppose Because They Would Be Dangerous If Elected’?

Oh, fuck. The first name that I see is Richard Forsten in Appo, an attorney/Rethug political hack.  Seriously, nobody else filed? Pathetic.

Here’s a link to the entire list:


Click on your local districts, then give us your recommendations.

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  1. WTF says:

    things getting messy in brandywine and red clay, maga on the move

  2. puck says:

    Red Clay candidate zoom forum via Cooke PTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw5M1S73mgE

    (Caveat: I’ve only watched half of this so far. Wish I had time to write a better analysis.)

    Rafael Ochoa, Kecia Nesmith, Janice Colmery.

    Pretty excruciating. Nobody attended this zoom session (literally, there were no participants other than panelists). Colmery and Ochoa both had “tells” revealing they spend too much time with right-wing media.

    Nesmith bland but inoffensive and at least is a career educator.

    Nesmith and Ochoa both spoke partly in fluent Spanish.

    Ochoa smooth and well-spoken, but as noted has some obvious right-wing tells, for example denouncing the 1619 Project without even being asked about it.

    Colmery seems unknowledgeable about basic district issues, yet blustery and over-confident in her abilities.

    “Peter, I’ll take Kecia to block.” (boomer reference)

    • WTF says:

      ochoa and colmery are scary. the real proof is on their facebook pages. they are always deleting comments of people who ask questions or criticize some of the things they posted. check janyce for red clay. she posted some real whoppers this morning that have nothing to do with the school board or red clay. on ochoa page he seems interested only in talking about critical race theory. Kecia may be bland but she is the only sane choice. sound the alarm in red clay. call all your friends. may 11 only two weeks away.

    • puck says:

      In addition to the 1619 Project, in the Cooke forum Ochoa also volunteered his opposition to “critical race theory.” Not a good look for a candidate in a district that is 40% white.

  3. This 1619 opposition is clearly a Rethuglican thing. ‘Dr.’ Tanya (She’s a psychologist! She’s a blogger! She’s self-employed!) Hettler takes the same tack on her web page. I’m not sure who she would choose to teach Black history and the history of slavery ‘objectively’.

    Seriously, Kim Stock is the only choice in Brandywine. The other two are outliers. Or is that outliars?

    • GeoBumm says:

      What is the end game for seeking school board membership? You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a ‘Dr. Hettler for School Board’ sign here in Brandywine 100. And not just small ones stapled to telephone poles, some are bigger, more polished, than on year elections signs. Some real money is being spent. Is this the usual stepping stone for future political offices or something?

      • Didn’t used to be. It was a one-way ticket to political Palookaville.

        However, RWNJ’s can ‘stealth’ their way into some of these offices. Especially when they end up running unopposed b/c nobody else filed.

  4. Just watched the Zoom meeting for the BSD seat. Scott Gesty was ‘sick’, so he didn’t participate. Um, in a Zoom meeting. He literally could have just ‘phoned it in’, but didn’t.

    The key difference between Kim Stock and Tanya Hettler was obvious to me: Stock relied on her educational experience to answer the questions, while Hettler leaned on her ‘research’. I was surprised to hear Hettler say that she hadn’t even heard of the ACLU lawsuit until she ran for school board.

    Believe it or not, we had somewhere around 100 people on the Zoom call. That was great! As was the forum itself. Major props to First State Educate and the Delaware PTA for pulling this off with nary a hitch.

  5. puck says:

    New Red Clay candidate forum. Couldn’t bring myself to watch. Extremely well researched reporting by DJ McAneney. Too long to summarize:


    Ochoa and Colmery got the chance to let their RWNJ light shine. Colmery disorganized and unprepared. Ochoa smoother, but no thanks. Let’s not let either of these two get started in Delaware politics, and especially not in our schools.

    On May 11th get to your Red Clay school and vote for Kecia Nesmith, it’s important. Even if you don’t normally vote in school board elections.

    • “Even if you don’t normally vote in school board elections.”


      The same holds true in Brandywine. Not only is Kim Stock a great candidate for school board, she, too, is running against two RWNJ’s.