Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Sunday, May 9, 2021

Former Gov. Pierre S. du Pont IV, known to all as Pete, died yesterday, age 86. Du Pont was elected governor in 1976 after the disastrous tenure of Sherman Tribbitt, and basically established the modern state of Delaware. He not only ushered in the legal usury that made Delaware a credit card capital, he pioneered what we now call the “Delaware Way” — settling intraparty disputes quietly so the General Assembly can present a unified face to the public.

He was also a genuinely nice guy. Perhaps the high point of his political career was his 1988 run for president. He didn’t get many votes, but he did get impersonated on Saturday Night Live, if only by Kevin Nealon. Well-wishers were asked to donate to the Frontotemporal Disorders Unit at Mass General Hospital.

Speaking of rich folks, it seems the residents of Palm Beach are stuck with the Last Guy as long as he’s an “employee” of Mar a Lago. Normally I would want Trump to lose any legal case, but in this case his opponents are the noxious rich of Palm Beach, so…

Speaking of deranged former presidents, the Last Guy is said to be “growing increasingly frustrated with the ex-president, whom they say spends his days nursing petty grievances against people he thinks have wronged him when he is not playing golf.” The article doesn’t explain how this differs from his behavior as president.

The Arizona “audit” of ballots is exactly the sort of clown show one might expect — or is it? I, for one, did not have “RWNJs will scan ballots for traces of bamboo” on my Loonball Bingo card. I understand they believe ballots were brought in from China, but I didn’t realize that their ignorance extended so far beyond racism that they believe anything that comes from China must, by definition, be made of bamboo.

Speaking of miscounting, the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation looked at excess deaths around the world and calculated that nearly 7 million people, more than double the official count, have been killed by Covid, including an additional 343,000 in the United States.

Speaking further of miscounting, because the nation’s economists are so pathetically bad at predictions, they threw an airball on the nation’s employment numbers — and blame was attributed to everybody and everything but the economists themselves. I would just like to point out that, in 40 years of following the numbers, the economic consensus has NEVER — not even once — hit the number of job gains or losses anywhere close to on the nose. The actual numbers are always higher or lower than the prediction. If you’re a weather forecaster and you’re never right, you might want to think about switching to economic forecasting. It’s apparently a job that’s impossible to lose for poor performance.

The floor’s yours.

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