Democrats in Array

Filed in National by on May 16, 2021

Having joined my RD, I’m getting mail from people running for Chair and Vice-Chair of the Delaware Democratic Party.

Elizabeth Maron is running for a full term as State Chair. I think she might be MUCH to timid to be the Chair right now.

The 9th endorsed Debbie Harrington for Vice-Chair, and office that Coby Owens is also competing for.   I know there are others.   Who are they?   Who are you supporting?

Right now I would call myself persuadable.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Eric’s endorsement carries some weight.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Just ran into some comrades at the rally in solidarity with Palestine & Colombia. Word is there’s 2 party vice chairs. Coby is running for 1st seat & DH 2nd seat. You can vote for both apparently…

    • Delaware Dem says:

      This is correct. Remember about the gender rules for Chair and Vice Chairs. If the Chair is going to be Betsy (and I’m not aware of anyone running against her), then the First Vice Chair has to be a man or non-binary. So let’s assume Coby wins that. The 2nd Vice Chair must be either a woman or non-binary. So that would be Debbie Harrington.

    • stan merriman says:

      Party rules require a male and a female vice chair.

      • liberalgeek says:

        The new rules will change that to be more gender-neutral. Assuming they are adopted, DD is correct. The terms Female Vice-Chair and Male Vice Chair will be replaced by 1st Vice Chair and 2nd Vice Chair.

        The 1st Vice-Chair must be a different gender from the Chair and the 2nd Vice-Chair must be of a different gender from the 1st Vice-Chair.

        New Castle County also made the same change this year and elected the first openly non-binary officer.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    The only other person that I have heard is running for anything is Martin Willis will be going against Coby. Martin is a union Boilermaker and was a Biden delegate to the national convention.