Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Sunday, May 16, 2021

We now have demonstrative proof that today’s Americans are stupider than Americans of the past. We had actual gas shortages in the 1970s, and officials didn’t have to issue warnings not to put gasoline in plastic bags. What could be stupider? How about pumping gas into a laundry basket? That stupid enough for ya?

The latest chapter of The Skeeze on the Hill finds Matt Gaetz doing blow with an “escort” who had a no-show state job at a fund-raiser afterparty — in other words, another Florida Man Saturday night.

Zhurong, China’s Mars explorer, made a safe touchdown Saturday. It’s all going swimmingly now, but just wait until it breaks down and they have to consult the owner’s manual.

A new analysis of November’s presidential election results turned up some interesting data. For example, even though black support for Trump increased by 3 percentage points, black turnout increased so much it was a net gain for Biden. And 29% of the voters were new presidential voters in their state, either because they were new to voting or new to their state, a number way higher than I would have guessed.

The forced-birth movement has come up with an extra-vile new scheme for persecuting abortion patients and providers: Texas has banned abortion after a “heartbeat” can be detected, but it doesn’t intend to have the state enforce it. The law instead empowers private citizens to sue abortion providers, patients and anyone who assists by, say, driving someone to a clinic. It’s just more proof that the movement exists not to “save babies” so much as to inflict suffering on others.

The floor’s yours.

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