DL Open Thread: Saturday, June 5, 2021
Federal Judge Strikes Down Cali’s Assault Weapons Ban. Calls the AR-15 assault rifle ‘…a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment.” One of Dubya’s judges.
Sinema Supporter: Back Filibuster Or Get Out. Right, like she’s gonna take that advice.
Are Political Ads Getting It All Wrong? Very few, if any, seek to win over long-term loyalists. This is an argument that they should:
But what if the failure of political advertising is, at least in part, a failure of imagination? Almost all political ads, whether from candidates or party committees, are produced to achieve a very narrow goal: winning the next election. What if parties instead took a longer view, producing ads designed to win them new partisan supporters in election after election?
I say it’s worth a shot, and a few million dollars.
MAGAt’s All Want To Be ‘Influencers’. Sure beats doing their jobs. A must-read.
110 In The Shade: Utah Governor Prays For Rain. Cue this song from an underappreciated Broadway musical:
DeMatteis On The Move Again. Gee, I guess the prison crisis must be all over. Right? Or did we just ‘outsource’ more prisoners to Pa? Which is probably Carney/DeMatteis’ idea of resolving the crisis. Stop me if you’ve heard this before: Her replacement is a career cop. 31 years on the force. Anyway, in her new gig, she’s gonna disburse a bleepload of Federal assistance funds. And ‘…assist with “crisis management” projects across state government.’ Might I ask, “Like what”? Seems a reasonable question.
What do you want to talk about?