The sickeningly predicable failure of the Biden administration

Filed in National by on June 5, 2021

The bad lefties were bad and made the very reasonable Republicans mad. Joe’s poor hands were tied, and on and on…

When The Approval Falls

The instant Biden’s poll numbers start falling, “everyone” will be quite sure it’s because he was too much of a lefty, and the “adjustment” will begin, and then a governing agenda will be replaced by, “agree, mostly, with the criticism, and promise to do better, and then do nothing.”Tan suit stories every day, baby!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    It’s not even just Republicans. If Manchin and Sinema were to suddenly start supporting filibuster reform, voting rights, $15 wage etc., some other turncoat Dem would emerge to block the Democratic agenda.

    Our only real hope is to somehow keep the House and pick up a few more Senate seats in 2022 – drawing to an inside straight.

    A Republican weakness is their unbreakable allegiance to Trump. Weaken Trump, and the GOP will be wandering around in the wilderness.

    Trump cannot be weakened by negative campaigning. He CAN be weakened by criminal prosecution and conviction for real crimes. (of course if he beats the rap, he will become more powerful than you can imagine).

    Or weakened by his own health, physical or mental. If either of those happen before November 2022, we might have chance at that inside straight.

    • Alby says:

      He is weakened every time he opens his mouth, because every time he does it alienates the kind of smug suburbanites who used to vote Republican but are now disgusted.

      Democrats didn’t do well in the House and Senate because a lot of those people thought that getting rid of Trump would restore the party they knew, the GOP of Mike Castle types — those are the kind of candidates who won in the Republican suburbs.

      Now that such moderate (or at least reality-based) officials are being ousted at every level in favor of MAGAts, I think the GOP will lose even more of those suburban Republicans, which has the added advantage of fucking up their redistricting — they’re going to find it harder to gerrymander when registration numbers don’t accurately reflect how people registered Republican will actually vote.

      In short, there’s no way I’d trade places with the Republicans. We look at the political landscape and see the death of democracy, which is kind of overblown since we never really had it. They look at it and see the death of their party, their culture, their entire ethos. Do you really wonder why they’re more desperate than we are?

  2. Jason330 says:

    I agree. Trump’s NCGOP speech last night indicates that Trump is going to be the defining issue in the mid-terms.

    That is good news for Dems ONLY decide to fight Trump head on. With Biden (and DC Dems) dread of appearing “partisan” I’m nervous about that happening.

    • Alby says:

      No, you don’t fight Trump head-on. What you do is emphasize “It’s not just Trump. It’s all of them. Every vote for any Republican is a vote for Trump.”

    • puck says:

      Sputtering impotently about how awful Trump is isn’t “taking Trump head-on.”