DL Open Thread Wednesday June 9th 2021

Filed in National by on June 9, 2021

I sometimes wonder if Coons is trolling me personally with the breathless hyperbole. Read on to see how Coonsian Bipartisanism just saved America.


Coons is talking about the “U.S. Innovation and Competition Act” which invest about $52 billion into US semiconductor production, another $81 billion to the National Science Foundation for “R&D”, funds some cyber defense stuff, and $1.5 billion for broadband.

So Coons is basically crowing about the heroic act of dumping a shit load of catch-up money on US big tech because Mitch McConnell said so. (An Aside – Big tech has these billons to invest, except it is locked up in CEO compensation.)

But whatever. Maybe we need to catch up to China on some of this stuff, but this bill doesn’t merely do that – IT SHOWS THE WORLD that COONSIAN BIPARTISANISM (and by extension American democracy) IS NOT DEAD! Just get a load of this:

And, of course, simultaneously…the punch line:

McConnell: ‘The era of bipartisanship is over’
06/08/2021 05:02 PM EDT

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:


    They passed a bill on Mitch McConnell’s wish list tonight with a 68 vote majority.

    See? Government works just fine as long Democrats do exactly what Mitch wants.

    All hail bipartisanship.

    • Alby says:

      My read on that is that 18 Democrats would rather vote with Republicans.

      If these so-called Democrats actually were, they would say “If you want my vote on this, give me your vote on that.” Instead, the Coonsian asswipes we elect give away the game before it begins by advertising their pathetic hunger for approval from both sides, not just their own.

      The party should give up on the mule as a mascot. It needs something that better represents “pathetic loser.” Maybe a dodo?

      • jason330 says:


        That’s odd.

  2. Alby says:

    Chris Coons is a Republican and should be referred to as such on all future reference.

  3. Arthur says:

    I thought we were moving past china since all our students now learn STEM

  4. Alby says:

    Here’s what the libertarian Cato Institute has to say about throwing $50 billion at American chip manufacturers. Tl;dr: They don’t need the money.


  5. John Kowalko says:

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