Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday June 14th 2021

Reached for comments, Chris Coons of the Likud Party said, “I’m Sad”

Jerusalem (CNN)Naftali Bennett was sworn in as Israel’s new prime minister on Sunday, after winning a confidence vote with the narrowest of margins, just 60 votes to 59. His victory ends a 12-year grip on power by former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the country’s longest-serving leader.

After four elections in two years, Bennett’s incoming government breaks a long political deadlock and ushers in the most diverse coalition Israel has ever seen, including the first Arab party to serve in the government. In his speech before the Knesset confidence vote, Bennett celebrated the diversity and warned of polarization within the country.

Unless Dems get some shit done, voters will remove them.   “The bad Republicans were bad”  doesn’t cut it.

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