DL Open Thread: Saturday, June 19, 2021

Filed in National by on June 19, 2021

Why Are Catholic Bishops Going After Biden?  Yet another lurch towards irrelevance.  I’m sure this will lead to packed pews on Sundays.

‘Many Bad People In The Mask Industry’.  The spectacular failure of Mike Lindell’s entry into the mask business:

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s charity and business combo venture to make and sell COVID-19 masks has cost him millions of dollars, according to the increasingly far-right conservative figure.

Today his company is sitting on millions of unsold face coverings, which he now despises and wants to burn.

The masks are laughing at him. You will, too.  Read the article. Schadenfreude at its best.

Mmmm, Vanilla Flavoring Fashioned From–Recycled Bottles?  Who could possibly resist the allure?  Hershey’s is probably bidding for the product as we speak. It’s perfect for them–chocolate w/o chocolate, now vanilla w/o vanilla.

Stoopid NFL Football Player Trix.  Refuses to take vaccine b/c ‘I’d rather die living’.  Hard to argue with that–logic?  As you wish.  His college? Southern Methodist University.  I’m sure they’re very proud of him.  My prediction?  He goes back to Texas and runs for office.

The Dickwad Who Invented ‘Critical Race Theory’ Doublespeak.  Because ‘politically-correct’ just wasn’t cutting it any more.  Rethugs have consistently and successfully engaged in this type of language distortion ever since, at least, ‘the death tax’.  Worth your time to read this one.

Suxco Coal-Powered Plant To Shut Down.  The Indian River facility in ‘rural Dagsboro’.  As opposed to, I suppose, ‘the teeming metropolis of Dagsboro’.

Legislators Propose Constitutional Amendment To Increase Protections for LGBTQ+ Delawareans And Persons With Disabilities. Amen.  Here’s the bill.  The bill does not have to pass by June 30 b/c it’s the first year of the two-year legislative session.  Should it pass by the end of next year, the second leg of the amendment can be voted on as early as January of 2023.  I think that that’s exactly what will happen.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Why Are Catholic Bishops Going After Biden? Yet another lurch towards irrelevance. I’m sure this will lead to packed pews on Sundays.

    Yeah. Let’s take the best advertisement for Catholicism in a generation and shit on it. Brilliant!

  2. Alby says:

    It’s actually the Indian River facility right on the Indian River Bay, where giant slagheaps of spent fuel leach poison into the water.

    Whaddaya wanna bet they don’t pay for the cleanup?

  3. Alby says:

    Has it ever occurred to the geniuses running the wreckage that was once the News Journal to ask Chris Coons, “If you’re so close to President Biden, why do you do so much to undercut his agenda?”

    I don’t really care what he answers, I just want him to realize we’re on to his bullshit. Sadly, the “journalists” over at Creekwood are not.

  4. jason330 says:

    Milquetoast “yes man” booed and heckled by the very conservatives he thinks will vote for him.

    Even though these dummies are heaping abuse for all the wrong reasons,
    Mike Pence deserves all the abuse anyone can heap on him

  5. Andrew C says:


    Lauren Witzke says Marjorie Taylor Greene was right. “…a precursor to the mass genocide of the American people.”

    • Jason330 says:

      “I don’t think she meant it. I wouldn’t have meant’ed it.”

      Actual quote. That’s your DEGOP leadership right there.

    • Alby says:

      Can we start with Lauren Witzke?

      Also, too, you can’t commit “genocide” against an ethnically diverse people. And, while she almost certainly meant white people, they’re ethnically diverse, too.

  6. Joe Connor says:

    Charlie Kirk reports that Well Fargo closed and zeroed out NitWitzke’s account leaving her stranded in FLA:) Karma is hilarious!