Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 3, 2021

Southern Pastors Give Up On Vaccinating The Flock.  Mostly in white rural congregations:

Polls have consistently shown that white evangelicals are among the groups most hardened against vaccination. The most recent, a June survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation, found that 22 percent of white evangelicals said they would “definitely not” get the vaccine, a figure that’s barely budged since April. About 11 percent said they wanted to “wait and see” how the vaccines perform.

“It’s heartbreaking that it’s come to this over something that is potentially lifesaving and yet has been so completely colored over by political views and conspiracies that it’s impossible to have a simple loving conversation with your flock,” Collins said in an interview. “That is a sad diagnosis of the illness that afflicts our country, and I’m not talking about Covid-19. I’m talking about polarization, tribalism even within what should be the loving community of a Christian church.”

I’d like to congratulate The Last Guy for hastening the extinction of these dinosaurs.

Chestnut Trees To The Rescue.  A compound in the leaves of those trees kills, or more accurately, detoxifies, MRSA.  For all you scientists out there who have nothing better to do this holiday weekend, read this, and then tell me what it says.  BTW, has anyone taken ‘Virulence’ as their band name yet?  Maybe I should trademark it.  Oops, too late.  There’s also a brand-new band named Pathogenic Virulence.  Here’s the set-list from their debut album, Submerged Into Non-Existence:

1. Exoplasmic Engorgement (Intro) 0:09

2. Putrid Gasp Proliferation 1:27

3. Vermal Cerebellar Decay 5:20

4. Host-Cellular Deformity 7:53

5. Anomaly In Transcendence 10:54

6. Phagocytosis Inversion 14:03

7. Consuming Void In Perennial Atrophy 16:51

8. Harvest Fetus Metamorphosis 21:34

9. Antropomorhic Parasitoidism 24:26

Be on the lookout for them. Here’s what one fan had to say:

I wake up to this alblum & it’s the last alblum i play before i go to sleep. There is only a few bands that i play the whole alblum.This alblum is definitely one. Excellent job guys & i truly mean EXCELLENT!!! Fuck yeah Fuck yeah.

You don’t get this kind of information on any other political blog.

Likely New Manhattan DA Has Successfully Sued The Trump Organization Before.  For Trump, no surcease of sorrow come the ‘morrow:

While at the attorney general’s office, he helped sue the Trump administration more than 100 times, and led the team that sued the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which resulted in Trump personally paying $2 million to an array of charities and the foundation being dissolved. Bragg is also a former assistant US attorney in the criminal division of the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.
More good news:
Bragg said in a statement Friday that he is committed to ending racial disparities and mass incarceration, and campaigned not to prosecute low level crimes, something his R challenger Kenniff said he disagrees with.
There’s A Fire–In The OCEAN.  Or, more specifically, the Gulf Of Mexico.  Hmmm, maybe I’d better start reading up on The End Times…
Extreme Heat Came To The Pacific Northwest. One Way To Combat It.  I hope that Delaware legislators take a look at what Washington State is doing.
They Don’t Just Enable Sexual Predators, They’re Embezzlers As Well.  Of course I’m talking about highly-ranking Vatican officials, including at least one Cardinal.  I now understand what a Cardinal Sin is.
Finally, I Dreamed About This Last Night.  Meaning, I’ll close with this:

What do you want to talk about?

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