DL Open Thread Sunday, July 4, 2021

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on July 4, 2021

Today is worthy of celebration — it’s been a full week since Chris Coons last sold out his constituents.

It’s pretty clear to anyone paying attention that the Jan. 6 insurrection was a two-pronged attack — 90% or so delusional goobers with lots more time and money than common sense, providing cover for a core of serious terrorists like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys — groups that have been planning sedition ever since they stockpiled their first gun. And prosecutors have turned up plenty in their text messages to prove it. If they were black, of course, they’d have been executed already.

By the way, being a heavily armed loonball isn’t just for white people anymore. A bunch of delusional dopes calling themselves the Rise of the Moors shut down a Massachusetts interstate for hours when cops, who had stopped to help two vehicles that had pulled to the shoulder, noticed that they were all heavily armed and dressed in battle fatigues. When they couldn’t show permits for the guns, most of them ran off into the woods and took hours to capture. The group maintains that Blacks in America are actually indigenous to the continent, but they’re also somehow descended from the Moors of Morocco. Hey, it doesn’t make any less sense than the white-supremacy nonsense melanin-deficient loonballs preach.

Every Republican accusation is a confession. Cancel culture, for example, is nothing but Republicans noticing that the long-practiced tactics of Konservative Kancel Kulture — Red Scare, anyone? — can be used against them. When they want to cancel speech, they do so without hesitation, as was the case when Texas pols, including the governor, canceled a talk about the Alamo that was going to point out that the freedom-fighters who set in motion the theft of Texas from Mexico were mainly fighting for the freedom to keep slaves. Slavery was banned in Mexico. This fact upsets Texans, who apparently are raised to believe they broke away from Mexico so they could play football instead of soccer.

Also on the Konservative Kancel Kulture front, a federal judge went all Joel Embiid on Ron DeSantis’ anti-social media law, sending his measure that would have fined platforms for censoring Republican hate speech into the third row of the stands. You can sort of see DeSantis’ point — what the rest of us call hate speech is what they call the Republican platform — but his thought-crime-registry for colleges is going to meet the same fate. No matter, he got what he wanted — he’s the most serious contender for the Previous Guy’s Crown of Shit.

Not satisfied with having dumped millions of gallons of raw petroleum into the Gulf of Mexico a few years back, last week the oil industry, in the form of Mexican state oil company Pemex, set it on fire. Check out the video — it makes the burning of the Cuyahoga River in 1969 look like a grease fire.

Officials plan to bring down what remains of Champlain Towers South to prevent its collapse, probably Monday to beat an approaching tropical storm. People who escaped have not been allowed back in to gather any belongings, not even their pets.

The floor is yours.

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  1. Andrew C says:

    Great Sixers reference.

    What a disappointing end to the playoffs for them, though… 🙁

  2. Homesteader says:

    Kudos to the citizens of Philadelphia last night – they chased a bunch of marching Texan neo-Nazis off the city streets and back into the rental trucks they arrived in. Patriot Front better stay below the Mason-Dixon line in the future.