Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread – Tuesday July 6th 2021

This “still on holiday” open thread is brought to you by the idiot who paid for a banner to fly over the beach here two times a day that reads: Everyone Knows #TrumpWon I’m not taking a picture of it and posting it because ‘Everyone Knows’ that’s what the idiot wants to happen.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a cold beer and a decent burger or whatever your faith dictates. As for open thread, let me, first of all, invite you to read El Som’s post again.

Read it and be ready to go to Network Delaware’s Campaign School.

The nice thing about this list is that we can upgrade in VERY safe districts. That is to say nobody can object to primarying these miscreants on the grounds that it will open the door to a DEGOP steal.

In other news. Don’t worry…pictures of the millions of dollars of military equipment we left in Afghanistan will soon be replaced by pictures of millions of dollars worth of military equipment being seized by the Taliban.

There was no good way to leave Afghanistan.

Pedro Castillo, a socialist and son of peasant farmers, is on the cusp of winning Peru’s presidential election after rising from obscurity to all but beat a conservative rival, the daughter of a former president.

His rapid ascension may bode ill for conservatives across the region and herald a new ‘pink tide’ of leftist leaders, as raging poverty fanned by the coronavirus pandemic sways voters towards those who promise bigger government and higher social spending.

Upcoming elections could see the region’s political and social faultlines being redrawn. Colombia’s conservatives are under pressure ahead of a 2022 vote and in Chile the right faces defeat in elections this year, while the country is rewriting its decades-old constitution in the wake of popular protests.

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