Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Thursday, July 8, 2021

Most people who want Donald Trump prosecuted for his life of crime felt disappointed when Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg was indicted for tax crimes over what were characterized as “fringe benefits.” Trump’s laywers certainly were thrilled when the media parroted their spin, but the truth is that it’s a lot more serious than the media has made it sound. Dumb fucker actually kept two sets of books, which experts say is almost a guarantee prosecutors will prevail — that’s what put the one-time owner of the Rusty Rudder in federal prison back in the ’80s.

As tax-code expert reporter David Cay Johnston points out, Trump’s “defense” — basically, that it’s peanuts — doesn’t hold up in the face of life sentences for petty thieves under so-called “three strikes” laws. Won’t cut any ice in court, either.

The most fascinating thing about reality-challenged Republicans is that they don’t hear themselves. One congressfool went on TV and said his party compatriots were OK with fixing roads and bridges, but they had no interest in “mucking it up” with health care and education. Republicans have no interest in those things beyond how to exploit them for profit, but they’re not supposed to say so out loud.

The mysterious neurological illness that’s killing songbirds has reached our area, and researchers still can’t figure out what’s causing it. Experts are telling people not to stock bird feeders for fear that it’s contagious and being spread where birds don’t practice social distancing.

A Delaware man who’s been on death row for more than 20 years had his conviction tossed out because of prosecutorial misconduct. sentenced to 45 years in 2008 for second-degree murder, had his conviction vacated. No link because it’s behind the News Journal paywall.

The floor is yours.

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