Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 10, 2021

Biden Fires Anti-Union Head Of The Social Security Administration.  The irony being, of course, that it was Trump who went to the Supreme Court–and won–when he ousted the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  Rethugs are now crying foul for Biden removing this guy:

Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee’s Social Security subcommittee, called for Mr. Saul’s resignation in February. Mr. Brown said Mr. Saul had sought to issue regulations meant to reduce access to Social Security disability benefits — including denying benefits to an estimated 100,000 potential recipients who do not speak English fluently…

…a White House official said Friday that Mr. Saul had undermined Social Security’s disability benefits, terminated a telework policy at the agency and alienated federal employee unions over work force safety planning amid the pandemic.

That’s a political agenda right there.

Oh, Please, Let This Be True…:  Trump and DeSantis hate each other, and their surrogates are airing out the laundry:

In recent days I spoke with a half dozen GOP insiders about the recent flare-ups between DeSantis’s and Trump’s camps. The sources agreed that DeSantis and Trump are on an inevitable collision course as the 2024 GOP field takes shape. “There’s going to be a blowup,” a prominent Republican said. “Trump fucking hates DeSantis. He just resents his popularity,” a Trump confidant told me. Asked for comment, Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington said: “Governor DeSantis has shown great respect.”

Part of Trump’s irritation with DeSantis is that Trump famously claims credit for anyone in his orbit who gains attention. “Trump tells people, ‘I made Ron,’” the prominent Republican said. “Trump says that about a lot of people. But in this case it’s actually true.” According to sources, then congressman DeSantis cultivated Trump’s support during the 2018 gubernatorial primary by hanging out at Trump’s Washington, D.C., hotel. “Ron basically ran his primary campaign out of the hotel. He buttonholed Trump supporters and his friends,” the prominent Republican said.

Robert E. Lee And Stonewall Jackson Meet Their Deserved Fate In Charlottesville.  It just boggles the mind that all of these shrines to the Confederacy pollute the landscape more than 150 years after the Civil War.

Feel-Good Moment Of The Week.  Nerds Rule! Not to mention, the name of the year: Zaila Avant-garde. She’s an athletic nerd:

The victory gave an extra polish to Zaila’s already remarkable résumé: Not only has she competed in spelling bees for two years, she already holds three Guinness world records for dribbling, bouncing and juggling basketballs. All before the ninth grade.


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