DL Open Thread Thursday, July 15, 2021

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on July 15, 2021

Nobody wants to hear it, but the pandemic is not over. Global cases rose last week for the first time in 10 weeks. We’re shaping up to have a truly nasty outbreak in the fall in Dumbfuckistan.

Democrats — why can’t they do the right thing? Latest example: SCOTUS Justice Stephen Breyer, 82, who’s under the delusion that everything is fine, so he hasn’t decided whether to retire.

You’ve probably noticed that the cottage industry of Trump books is growing exponentially. Trump has noticed, too, and — sit down now so you don’t fall down from shock — he’s not happy about it.

Bad news for people who insist that Russia played no role in gifting the Unite States with Trump: A bunch of leaked Kremlin documents seem to indicate otherwise, including hints that the country indeed has kompromat on the corpulent conman. The documents predict a Trump win “will definitely lead to the destabilisation of the US’s sociopolitical system” and see hidden discontent burst into the open. Ya nailed that one, Ivan.

Thom Hartmann thinks he’s figured out why Republicans are willing to die fighting against vaccination:

Put simply, I believe these Republicans are trying to promote outbreaks of Covid in America to soften or damage Joe Biden’s red-hot economy on the assumption that if the economy tanks then people will vote out Democrats and vote in Republicans in 2022 and 2024.

This actually tracks with the Republican substitution of The Economy (Peace Be Upon It) for what it calls “god,” and the party’s inability to understand that cause and effect are not interchangeable.

Remember Roy Moore, the Bible-thumping pedophile who lost an Alabama Senate seat to a Democrat because even Alabamans drew a line at electing pedophile? He just had his lawsuit against “Borat” star Sacha Baron Cohen tossed out because, a judge ruled, “It is simply inconceivable that the Program’s audience would have found a segment with Judge Moore activating a supposed pedophile-detecting wand to be grounded in any factual basis.”

The old Levitz Furniture store in Tri-State Mall was torn down, but the owners haven’t announced any plans for the property yet.

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  1. Jason330 says:


    The Russians sure got a hell of a return on their investment.

  2. Attended a virtual town hall meeting last night with AG Jennings, Sen. Sarah McBride, and Rep. Larry Lambert.

    Some takeaways: They’re all serious about police reform, particularly changes to the Law Enforcement Bill Of Rights. Also gun safety.

    To (half-) wit: We had three 2nd Amendment dead-enders all give virtually the EXACT same speech. It could not have been coincidence. First, the old saw about how gun safety would victimize victims. Then, ALL three said that, as long as laws are made by Sen. Darius Brown, the entire legislative enterprise is illegitimate. As if we have 62 Darius Browns in the General Assembly. None mentioned either Andria Bennett or Steve Smyk as they were all singing from the same racist hymnal.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Yeah, the Russians cashed in on Trump, but he was so damn dumb it became easy to spot early on, in particular his deference to Putin and subservient demeanor. Per the Republicans willingness to sacrifice American lives for political advantage are you surprised? That was Trumps attitude when the virus fist started surging.

  4. puck says:

    A bunch of red-staters getting sick and even dying doesn’t tank the US economy. If Republicans wanted to tank the Biden economy they would go into quarantine and shutter businesses, Even then the effect on the US economy would be negligible, given the limited impact of retail activity in DumbF**kistan compared to the coasts.

    I think the explanation is simpler – conservatives don’t see the light on an issue until it affects them personally. Not only that, most who have gotten Covid have recovered uneventfully, and being conservative, they have no insight or compassion for those who are sicker or dead, and no understanding of how they helped spread the virus or accelerate its mutation.

    • Alby says:

      I think you’re right. He’s more addressing why the GOP brainiacs are pushing them harder in the direction they’re already going. And remember, they haven’t a clue how an economy works. They still think tax cuts will stimulate it.

      They could have gone in the other direction — called it Trump’s vaccine (he bragged and took credit for it) and then bitch that The Liberal Media is denying him his due — but their tendency is to listen to the crazies no matter what, and the crazies think we’re injecting them with microchips.

    • puck says:

      “They could have gone in the other direction — called it Trump’s vaccine”

      Republicans think they are getting more political mileage from their anti-government schtick than they would from taking credit for vaccine success.

  5. SussexAnon says:

    I listened into Sen. Lockman’s town hall regarding the LEBOR legislation for police transparency and accountability. She was explaining why she was not pushing the legislation onto the Senate floor. She said it needed more work which to me meant, she didn’t have the votes on the senate floor. Given, there’s a super majority, below is a list of the state senators who were not sponsors of the bill along with campaign donors who may have some influence on the senators support of the bill.

    Darius Brown
    Kyle Gay
    Spiros Mantzavinos
    Jack Walsh – Correction Officer’s Assn of DE P.A.C. and Trooper PAC
    Stephanie Hanson
    Nicole Poore – Correction Officer’s Assn of DE P.A.C.
    Bruce Ennis