Delaware Liberal

GOP: We Will Literally Kill Our Base to Win in 2022

This Seth Meyers clip does a good job rounding up the GOP anti-vax lunacy which (along with the big lie) IS NOW A KEY PLANK in their platform. They are now literally running on “Don’t Get Vaccinated”. This goes beyond, “those crazy Republicans” into “WHAT the HOLY FUCK is going on?” territory.

Heather Cox Richardson addresses it:

Former FBI special agent, lawyer, and professor Asha Rangappa put this question to Twitter. “Seriously: What is the [Republicans’] endgame in trying to convince their own voters not to get the vaccine?” The most insightful answer, I thought, was that the Republican’s best hope for winning in 2022—aside from voter suppression—is to keep the culture wars hot, even if it means causing illness and death.

The Republican Party continues to move to the right. During his time in office, the former president put his supporters into office at the level of the state parties, a move that is paying off as they purge from their midst those unwilling to follow Trump. Today, in Michigan, the Republican Party chair who had criticized Trump, Jason Cabel Roe, resigned.

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