Did the Dems get rid of the filibuster last night?

Filed in National by on July 16, 2021


Oh well. Everything else is just talky-talk.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Believe we all knew it wouldn’t happen, me in particular as I’m no fan of a lost cause. But we’ve learned who owns Manchin, and that he is no team player.

  2. John Kowalko says:

    “no team player.” is not applicable to this scum-sucker. He is a Republican special interest whore whose sole motivation is political self-preservation. Put his butt at the bottom of one of those West Virginia coal mines that he seeks to preserve and let him breath that foul air he wishes to circulate throughout the entire planet. I will not send one penny or offer one ounce of support to any national Democratic Senatorial Campaign group that even considers supporting a slime ball like Manchin. He is a disgrace to Democratic idealism who has forfeited his place as a person with any conscience or moral compass. He should be publicly vilified by President Biden and all of the other congressional leaders in Washington. Take away every penny of support, aide and pork-barrel money from that fossil-fuel sucking state of West Virginia until he learns what a being a true Democrat means. Joe Munchkin is not a “Babe Ruth” bar floating in America’s swimming pool, he is an actual “turd”

    Representative John Kowalko