Good morning!
Insurrectionist Gets a White Person’s Sentence (8 measly months for trying to overthrow the government). Remember Crystal Mason? She was the person of color sentenced to five years in prison for a mistaken vote that was not counted. If you don’t think America is racist as fuck, you’ve got your head up your ass.
Capitol Insurrectionists Felony Conviction Comes. With. a Mere 8 Months in Prison
The judge feels he is really sending a message.
Imposing a punishment that includes some prison time “will send a loud and clear message to other would-be rioters that if and when they’re caught, they will face a serious sentence. So there won’t be a next time,” she said.
Hodgkins is the third person to be sentenced for being part of the Capitol siege, and his is the longest punishment imposed so far.
According to a former Republican National Committee senior official, twice-impeached president Donald Trump will run again in 2024.
“I have three friends who’ve had dinner with him in the last couple of months. All three reported that his current plans are to run for president in 2024,” the source told Rolling Stone. “Now, whether he does or not is a different issue. We’ve still got three years to go. But he’s telling people that.”
From Rolling Stone:
The ex-R.N.C. official says the first two dinners took place in late spring. But the third dinner happened in the last two weeks, the official said. The first two dinner companions came away from their conversations convinced Trump was serious and he’s running, the official adds. The third said he left the dinner “not 100% sure Trump wants to run but he likes being in the conversation, he wants to freeze the field, and he wants his name out there,” according to the ex-R.N.C. official.
#Vanlife was a covid-era style of genteel homelessness dressed up to look like freewheeling adventure. Turns out life in a 30-40sq foot metal box (even on on wheels) isn’t as glamorous as it has been made to look and vanlifers are parting ways with their vans with de-covidivication:
While #VanLife gives you millions of pictures of vans on the beach, the reality is that you sleep at campgrounds, the parking lot of the local Walmart, or wherever else you won’t be bothered. You may not have access to showers, laundry machines or a stable internet connection. And that doesn’t get into potentially getting stranded because your van broke down and needs an expensive repair.
And yet… The idea of living on $8,000 a year and seeing a little bit of this once great country has coated a piece of my imagination. Hell…I could count on everyone reading this to for a $5.00 per month Patreon, right? That’s over $15 per month. If only we had decent universal health insurance. *sigh*
BUT FIRST….Ernesto Lopez and his now open-ass seat are still all the buzz. You can read all about it here at BlueDelaware :So Long Ernie Lope, or read the original by Delaware’s foremost leg hall watcher, El Som, here: Ernie Lopez Merely Bowed to the inevitable
Hmmm…Original or inferior copy? Not a tough choice from my perspective. But you know, different strokes and all.