Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Unvaccinated Are The New Villains.  As well they should be:

The acrimony is only likely to intensify in coming months as vaccine mandates take effect at hundreds of colleges and universities, following a federal judge’s refusal this week to block Indiana University’s mandate. The Food and Drug Administration also is expected to fully approve the vaccines by fall, which is expected to embolden moreemployers to require the shots.

Public health experts say they’re grappling with an irony: Americans who are already vaccinated tend to treat the coronavirus threat more seriously than many of the unvaccinated — even though the delta variant is poised to tear through populations that lack protection.

‘Vaccinated America Has Had Enough’.  I finally started subscribing to The Atlantic.  I recommend it.  An excerpt:

Experts list many reasons for the vaccine slump, but one big reason stands out: vaccine resistance among conservative, evangelical, and rural Americans. Pro-Trump America has decided that vaccine refusal is a statement of identity and a test of loyalty.

In April, people in counties that Joe Biden won in 2020 were two points more likely to be fully vaccinated than people in counties that Donald Trump won: 22.8 percent were fully vaccinated in Biden counties; 20.6 percent were fully vaccinated in Trump counties. By early July, the vaccination gap had widened to almost 12 points: 46.7 percent were fully vaccinated in Biden counties, 35 percent in Trump counties. When pollsters ask about vaccine intentions, they record a 30-point gap: 88 percent of Democrats, but only 54 percent of Republicans, want to be vaccinated as soon as possible. All told, Trump support predicts a state’s vaccine refusal better than average income or education level.

Life In Their Conspiracy Bubbles Are Breaking Up Marriages.  This is how disinformation on social media destroys families.

The NFL Installs Draconian Rules To Require Vaccinations:  Your team can’t play due to COVID? You will forfeit.  I foresee some idiot players retiring over this.  They won’t be missed.

Insurrectionist Bragged About Jan. 6 Participation On Dating App, Now Has Date With Feds.  Yet more self-selection from the mouthbreathers.

Joe Isn’t The Only Manchin Who Sucks.  His daughter, an executive at generic drugmaker Mylan, celebrates closing of WV plant as jobs move to India and Australia.

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