Delaware Liberal

DL Celebrates ‘Freedumbs’: Week Of July 25-31

Chronicling this week’s capers and consequences of the anti-vax imbeciles:

Maine Legislator, Outspoken Anti-Vaxxer, Gets Covid. So does his wife:

Rep. Chris Johansen, a Republican legislator from the Aroostook County town of Monticello who has been an outspoken opponent of coronavirus restrictions, has reportedly contracted COVID-19.

The lawmaker’s wife, Cindy Johansen, who is the corresponding secretary-officer for the Aroostook County Republicans, shared on social media that she is sick with COVID-19. “Feeling like I’m going to pass out. Have passed out on garage floor, legs were like rubber,” she said.

Chris Johansen has been an outspoken opponent of state-mandated coronavirus restrictions and has organized multiple protests. In April 2020, he organized a protest in front of the Blaine House asking Democratic Gov. Janet Mills to reopen the state’s economy, as well as downplaying the damage that the spread of COVID-19 would have on communities across the country.

Johansen was also one of seven lawmakers who refused to wear masks at the Maine State House, a requirement that was left in place even after the state’s mask mandate was lifted as coronavirus vaccination rates started to improve throughout the state. Johansen was subsequently removed from his committee position, but continued to push back against State House rules.

US Congressman Clay Higgins From Louisiana Gets COVID For Second Time. Blames Chinese Communist Party:

“I have COVID, Becca has COVID, my son has COVID. Becca and I had COVID before, early on, in January 2020, before the world really knew what it was. So, this is our second experience with the CCP biological attack weaponized virus… and this episode is far more challenging. It has required all of my devoted energy,” he wrote, referring to a conspiracy that the virus was engineered to be a biological weapon.

Partyin’ Hardy At Lake Of The Ozarks.  A celebration of freedumbs by Freedumbs.  One more reason why Mizzou is the hottest of COVID hot spots.

Anti-Masker Threatens To Kill School Superintendent Over Mask Mandate.  Poor guy’s life is falling apart:

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The man cited for threatening Superintendent Marty Pollio over a mask requirement in Jefferson County Public Schools described COVID-19 as a “fake crisis” on his YouTube channel and has condemned public officials for their response to the pandemic.

“The whole COVID business has my back up,” Bradley Linzy said in a call to the Jefferson County Board of Election complaining about a mask requirement for voters.

In a long video he recorded before Election Day last year, Linzy, 43, said: “I am getting a divorce from my wife. People are committing suicide. A lot of it has to do with these shutdown mandates, which are frankly unconstitutional.”…

But in another channel, he has railed against COVID-19 restrictions and suggested the pandemic was planned in advance by world leaders and business executives.

He also has complained about diversity and equity initiatives and said white males are the most hated people in America.

How Anti-Vaxxers Triggered The ‘4th Wave’.  At least this time, they’re both the perpetrators and the victims.

COVID Causes Erectile Dysfunction And Infertility In Males.  Self-selection at its best.  Guess they’re gonna have to buy bigger guns.

Donning Disguises So That You Won’t Get Dissed By Your Anti-Vaxx Buddies?  It’s happening in Missouri.

SPEAKING Of Mizzou…:  Teh stupid, it burns. And kills.

‘I Should Have Gotten The Damn Vaccine.‘  He was never not going to get it.  He was just going to, you know, wait a year to see how it worked out.  Worked out fatally for this Vegas father of five.  Gotta say, stories like this make me sad. And angry. He was probably a victim of deliberate disinformation.

The Sick Anti-Vaxxer.  No, not COVID. Smallpox. A cautionary tale.

I started out thinking I might make this a weekly feature.  But I don’t want to get stuck in that rut, so I won’t.  Those who don’t learn from this week are doomed to repeat it.  And/or die.

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