‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: July 2021

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on August 2, 2021

Kids, if you haven’t gotten vaccinated yet, and you don’t like any of these tunes, then don’t get vaccinated.  Self-selection isn’t just for anti-vax mouthbreathers, it’s for music hate-ahs too.

Enjoy. That’s an order.


I hereby predict that this will be Nathan Arizona’s Fave Of The Month:





One of our Arden faves.  Here’s another reason why:

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  1. nathan arizona says:

    Yes to Cheekface. Fun music, fun video. Sad Park made me bob my head up and down and laugh out loud. I liked ‘Bogie,” but I thought John Lennon was dead. Enjoyed getting woozy to “Hummingbird.” The Jon Batiste made me feel good. Strand of Oaks is a faithful standby. Or is that strandby?

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    The guy who did Bogey? He’s THIS guy:


    He’s, to put it mildly, eclectic.