DL Open Thread Monday August 2, 2021

Filed in National by on August 2, 2021

Gerald Brady Resigns!

…is a headline that I still haven’t read anywhere. I find that odd, but I find a great deal of Delaware politics odd.

BTW, do you know who Brady wrote that crazily racist, misogynist shit too? It has been kind of lost in the soup, but the intended recipient was none other than…

Two dishonest eclipses in one post…shocking! Also shocking, the identity of Brady’s crazily racist, misogynist still un-discussed.

What was the first name of the researcher who received the errant email?   Who in the Brady circle has the same first name and a history of racist misogyny?  That’s Brady’s fellow racist, misogynist buddy.

“Given how bipartisan the bill is and how much work has already been put in to get the details right, I believe the Senate can quickly process relevant amendments and pass this bill in a matter of days,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Sunday before submitting the bill.

To that, I say “ha!” Call me jaded but I’m looking forward to Collins “regrets” about not being able to vote for the full bill. Great theatre!

Hilarious GOP Comedy!



463 Days Until the Midterm Elections

I had a much longer post written but WordPress ate it.  I know, I know good craftsman never blames his tools. But I never claimed to be a good craftsman.

Here is a link to something good.

Welcome to the Delaware Justice Team, a collaboration between Highlands Bunker, the Delaware ACLU, and the Delaware Call to talk about the work that is being doing around various civil liberties issues.

Today, Mike Brickner joins Rob in the bunker to give an update on what passed and what didn’t pass in the past legislative session, and what ACLU priorities will be going forward.

Show Notes:

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. puck says:

    I think in Brady’s mind he was arguing against more strip clubs in his district, which is likely a popular position.

    • Alby says:

      He’s also against free blow jobs.

    • To the extent that he is/was intelligible, he was talking about these Asian spas that indeed exploit women, many of whom have been lured to the US under false pretenses.

      They’re often pop-up businesses that disappear and reopen nearby.

      That he would joke about such exploited people tells you as much about Brady as you need to know.

  2. Arthur says:

    You know what headline you also havent written “A dozen reps file an official ethics complaint against Brady and call for his ouster”. You think you would have written is several times since they wont tolerate this. BS..all of them

  3. Andrew C says:

    Coons, of course, was on Manchin’s motherfucking houseboat with COVID-positive Lindsey Graham: https://editor99.com/six-other-senators-were-with-lindsey-graham/

  4. Harold says:

    “BTW, do you know who Brady wrote that crazily racist, misogynist shit too?”

    I’m assuming this isn’t rhetorical. I am curious who the intended recipient was too

    • Jason330 says:

      I’ve heard that the News Journal knows the recipient but is withholding that information for unknown reasons.