DL Open Thread Tuesday August 3rd 2021

Filed in National by on August 3, 2021

Crazy shitheads are perfect for each other.

Just weeks after its launch, the pro-Trump social network GETTR is inundated with terrorist propaganda spread by supporters of Islamic State, according to a POLITICO review of online activity on the fledgling platform.

The social network — started a month ago by members of former President Donald Trump’s inner circle — features reams of jihadi-related material, including graphic videos of beheadings, viral memes that promote violence against the West and even memes of a militant executing Trump in an orange jumpsuit similar to those used in Guantanamo Bay.

(CNN Business)A National Labor Relations Board official is recommending that the results of the milestone union election at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama held earlier this year be scrapped and that a new election be held due to illegal misconduct on the part of the e-commerce giant.

This guy dead at 73 

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Coons was at Manchin’s boat party Saturday with Lindsey “Delta Variant” Graham.


    Are ill-fitting suits and nepotism co-morbidities?

  2. puck says:

    Presidential GDP ratings are in and they are not good for Trump:


    By the usual ranking method Trump is the worst GDP president. The author provides several other ranking methods, and sometimes GWB is worst, but Trump is always way down at the bottom.

    Carter’s GDP is looking pretty good. Clinton’s too. Obama’s not so much.

    • Alby says:

      Exercises in correlation rather than causality. Carter’s GDP looks good because the price of everything soared during the oil crises of the ’70s. Obama’s looks bad because part of the Great Recession was technically during his term. It would be akin to judging presidents by how many baseball Hall of Famers were born during their terms in office.

      The worst thing that happened in politics over the past 30-odd years was the “It’s the economy, stupid” line that came out of the first Bill Clinton campaign. Before that, only election wonks realized the correlation between the state of the economy and presidential re-election. Afterwards, everybody knew, and immediately started to try to monkey with the economy to ensure re-election.

      This was the reason Trump reacted as he did to the pandemic — he didn’t want the economy to tank (he went about it all wrong, but that’s par for the Trump course — and par is something Trump has never shot, by the way).

      So, given that Trump’s maladministration based on it led to 400,000 unnecessary deaths, I’m going to say that “It’s the economy, stupid” has been the most lethal political idea since the Domino Theory.

      • Alby says:

        Or at least since “We can’t let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud,” though most of those killed by that line were non-Americans. Same with the Domino Theory, for that matter.

  3. Jason330 says:

    “This was the reason Trump reacted as he did to the pandemic — he didn’t want the economy to tank…”

    I agree. The DJIA was in record territory (29,398) on Feb 14th 2020. Trump was drunk on that knowledge. It combined with his uniquely arrogant stupidity and set the stage for all of his bad pandemic decisions. By March 20th the DJIA bottomed out at 19,173

  4. El Somnambulo says:

    New York State AG finds that Gov. Cuomo ‘sexually harassed multiple women, many of them young, and in doing so violated federal and state law, the state’s attorney general Letitia James announced Tuesday, concluding a four-month-long investigation into the allegations of sexual harassment against the powerful, third-term Democrat.’


  5. Headball says:

    Our favorite senator was at a raging bipartisan house boat party. Sounds like a blast!

  6. puck says:

    Mike Enzi’s funeral is Friday and at least some Senators are likely to attend, which will no doubt delay work on infrastructure. And the funeral being in Wyoming and presumably maskless, how many will come back with Covid? Can Senators vote while in quarantine?