Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Wednesday August 4th 2021

So did Cuomo have a lot of sex  with women who liked his style of retrograde sexiness, or was the sexual harassment an end in itself?  Not that it matters.  I’m just curious.  Fuck that guy.  Get out already.

Speaking of stepping down.  My pillow guy says that his China symposium is so airtight that Biden will just step down and hand the White House keys to Trump when he see it.  (Just like the founders envisioned.)

In Ohio’s 11th house  district the Dem primary was the election and voters picked the Clintonite insider over the woman AOC had been campaigning for. I’m sure this will be taken as a rebirth of holy bipartisanship and the end of the squad.

Tennessee has a lot of junk tourist attractions.

The News Journal runs a provocative headline: Hundreds of millions in tax dollars built Wilmington’s Riverfront, was it worth it? I don’t know if it was worth it because I don’t have a subscription to the NJ but I trust one of you nice people will let us know in the comments.

If God had intended man to fly, he would have given us a well regulated airline industry.  (Psst…Air travel doesn’t seem like it is “back” yet.)

Apropos of nothing, I have a new Coons theory. I contend that Coons watches a lot of cable news and thinks that the panels are an accurate representation of what Americans are thinking.

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