DL Open Thread Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021

Filed in Delaware, National by on August 5, 2021

I wonder if the media aren’t creating a false picture of who the anti-vax maskholes are, because apparently it’s not all the right-wingers: 90% of U.S. seniors are now vaccinated. So expect lots more articles like this one, about a Texas GOP official who mocked vaccines and masks on social media for months. He caught COVID and was dead five days later.

Did you feel that earthquake that some people reported in northern Delaware yesterday just before noon? No you didn’t. The state geologist says it was not an earthquake. Main suspect: Aberdeen Proving Grounds.

Andrew Cuomo apparently thinks he can bluster his way through the career-ending AG’s report on his sexual harassment activities.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Democrats are running 6 points behind the GOP in polling for a generic ballot, that is, a nameless Democrat vs. a nameless Republican. It doesn’t matter what the predictive value of such a poll is, it serves its purpose by making Democrats panic.

Lots of new developments in the investigation into Trump’s Jan. 6 coup attempt, most of which point to White House involvement. It’s a weird way to run a country. I always thought that when you caught people plotting but failing to overthrow the government, you hung them as traitors, but apparently that’s just me.

No matter what problems you have with your home, you wouldn’t want to trade places with this couple in Skippack, Pa., whose house had 450,000 bees in its walls.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    “Democrats are running 6 points behind the GOP in polling for a generic ballot,”

    It serves its purpose by making DC Democrats and beltway “consultants” clamor for more compromise and centrism.