Brady Resigns!

Filed in National by on August 7, 2021

Is that a headline we even want to see? REV hosts a great conversation on the topic. (If you haven’t, def support through a Patreon donation)


Carper Resigns!

Why isn’t anyone calling for Carper to step down?

E136 – Stop Asian Haters (w/Yejoon Koh, Erika Gutierrez

Activists Yejoon Koh and Erika Guttierez join Rob in the bunker to talk about Gerald Brady’s racist comments as Asian women, the Delaware American Asian Voice group, and what it takes to bring new activists into the movement.

Show Notes:

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    If you can stomach it, try to watch the appalling video of Carper speaking at the vigil for the victims of the Atlanta shootings. He starts at 19min right after the very somber reading of the names of the victims.

    Fucking RESIGN, Tom!

  2. Arthur says:

    two!!! Have publicly called for his resignation. That’s it. Every single other one is a complete hypocrite and they should all resign also for being complicit