Delaware Liberal

Gerald Brady…Pete ‘N Val’s Useful Idiot…

…but not for long.

Wasn’t gonna write this until Monday (our readership is down on the weekends), but the REV’s right-on-time podcast (listen to it) changed my mind.  Consider a patronage.  I did. And, um, patronized.  Never let it be said that I’m not patronizing.

Someone far less cynical than me planted this idea with me last week–and I followed it to its extreme and logical conclusion.

Here is my cut-and-save prediction: Gerald Brady will not be a state rep come January.  It is likely that Val Longhurst, the least sincere and most transactional politician in Dover (which is saying something), will publicly blast him and demand his resignation. Admit it, you can hear her words in your head now.

HOWEVER, for the next couple of months, the ‘leadership’ needs him. People living in the 4th RD take note as to why:

Pete ‘n Val plan to get rid of the 4th RD in redistricting.  It is far easier to do when there is no incumbent, or, no incumbent seeking reelection, to deal with.

Were Brady to resign now, it is likely that his replacement would be in office before the House votes on a redistricting plan.  Legislators are loathe to take away a seat from an incumbent. Especially Democratic legislators in a D-controlled body.  When the Rethugs controlled the House, the House leadership had no problem sacrificing two D’s (DiLiberto and Dave Brady) in exchange for getting a district drawn specifically for Lonnie George’s daughter. Remember, the two House leaders at the time both worked at Del-Tech. (Gilligan and Van Sant.)

But, I digress. Gerald Brady’s value to Pete & Val immediately dissipates once the redistricting bill passes, and the 4th District (likely headed to Sussex) as currently constituted is consigned to the dustbin of history.  After that, any person who fills out Brady’s term would be a lame duck.

Meaning, Brady’s gone.  As soon as that bill passes.  Meaning, people living in the 4th RD will be scattered to other districts.  Also meaning, that if you live in RD 4 and would like to see the communities therein stay together in an RD, your only recourse is to persuade Brady to resign for the good of the communities he represents.  And to get Carney to call for a timely Special Election.

Gerald Brady has at most two months left on his legislative shelf-life.  He can either give his constituents a say in the future of the district, or he can ensure its extinction.

The call is his. And perhaps yours.

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