DL Open Thread Monday August 9th 2021

Filed in National by on August 9, 2021

Bipartisanship and denial: Democrats react to news  about the Trump regime’s crimes against democracy and the American people.

This indifference to Donald Trump’s crimes and the growing power of neofascism can also be explained by willful denial. When a society is in crisis, people find ways to convince themselves that somehow everything will be fine, because to face the dire reality of the situation is too painful.


“He’s in”    The Last Guy’s onetime press secretary, Sean Spicer, said his former boss would run for the presidency again in 2024.

The head of the Republican National Committee (RNC) says that former President Trump “still leads the party,” even as the RNC has vowed to remain neutral if Trump runs again in 2024.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel touted Trump’s fundraising abilities in an interview on WABC 770 AM in New York, with Trump recently reporting more than $100 million available on hand entering the second half of 2021.

Does Ron DeSantis work for Covid-19?

A federal judge in Florida issued an order Sunday allowing Norwegian Cruise Line to require passengers to prove they’ve been inoculated against Covid-19, despite a state ban that prohibits companies from adopting such measures.


Climate Change is Real

PEFKI, Greece — Pillars of billowing smoke and ash turned the sky orange and blocked out the sun above Greece’s second-largest island Sunday as a days-old wildfire devoured pristine forests and encroached on villages, triggering more evacuation alerts.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    London Review of Books turns review of Michael Wolff’s new book into a post-mortem for American democracy.


  2. Arthur says:

    2 down and about 2 million more to go.

  3. Here’s some hot-stove talk about redistricting.

    With Dick Carter and Jesse Chadderdon at the controls in the Senate, I’m totally confident that the results there will appeal to our better natures:


    • Alby says:

      Synopsis for those without readership privileges? (no, I’m not going to “register” with anyone for “free” stories).

      • While it’s mostly about process and Rethugs pointing out they have little say in the process (whose fault is that?), here are a couple of newsy notes:

        “According to Dick Carter, director of special projects for the Senate majority caucus, personnel from the legislature and computer staff were to meet virtually to discuss the details of setting up a legislative redistricting website, which would be open to the public to offer comment.”

        ““But whether or not those (public) comments are adopted and any tweaks … are made to the maps will be entirely at the discretion of the majority,” he said. “The Republicans have no realistic role in this process, other than to provide an alternative point of view.” (from House R Communications Director Joseph Fulgham.)

        Doesn’t look likely that Sussex will gain another Senate district:

        “Sen. Sokola explained further: “We got the state population data earlier this year. When you compare what happened to the state population with other publicly available numbers, like voter registration and stuff — and that’s not necessarily always an accurate reflection of the number of people in the district — the summary that I heard was that, with respect to the Senate, Sussex probably added about a half of a district.”

        Also factoring in are several county-border districts, including the 18th Senatorial District held by Republican Dave Wilson. It includes southern Kent County and northern Sussex County.

        “It’s half in Kent and half in Sussex,” Sen. Sokola said. “So is Milford, part in Kent and part in Sussex. You might want to keep Milford together. But any part of Kent County that is out of Milford would probably have to be pulled out of that district.”

        In other words, Wilson’s district is likely to all be in Sussex, and will likely soak up excess Sussex population.

        That’s pretty much the newsworthy stuff.

  4. I can’t make this up: Guy accused of murdering his wife illegally cast HER ballot for Trump in 2020. So, if the murder rap doesn’t stick…at least we have voter fraud:
