Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Sunday, August 15, 2021

One of them finally spilled the beans. A congressional aide told journalist Julia Ioffe the reason Republican politicians are getting their own constituents killed:

About a month ago, I was talking to a pretty senior Hill aide on the Republican side. Vaccinated, everybody in his shop was vaccinated. I said, ‘What is the deal, why are you doing is this? It’s your own constituency you’re killing.’ And he said they just want to make Biden look bad. They want the crisis to happen on Biden’s watch so that he does not get the credit for the vaccine that they felt Trump should get the credit for. That’s it. I mean, my jaw hit the floor and I had to work to get it back up.”

Infrastructure bill punditry abounds. Alex Pareene thinks the drawn-out process, far from a bipartisan triumph, shows the Senate is a broken institution. Will Bunch notes that though much of Biden’s plan benefits blue-collar workers, he’s getting no polling bump from blue-collar whites. But he concludes it’s worth doing anyway because so much of the blue-collar workforce isn’t white anymore.

What is it with Republicans and the sex trafficking of minors? It’s almost like someone’s running a pedophile ring out of the basement of Matt Gaetz’s fraternity house or something. The latest arrests include a young lady who was just named, and quickly unnamed, head of her campus branch of college Republicans.

The Taliban is quickly taking over Afghanistan, and I still can’t figure out why I”m supposed to give a shit. Because some Muslim fanatics might attack the United States? What would be the point? The country is destroying itself just fine without them.

The floor’s yours.

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