(At Least) Twelve Years Of Wilful Idiocy…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 18, 2021

And Racism.  Don’t forget racism.  Especially racism.

Scarlet Woman (Personal to SW: There’s a spot on our writing team if you’re interested) exhumed perhaps the precise moment where the Delaware GOP was taken over by the loonies.  This is a must-watch:

12 years later, the same idiots are disrupting school board meetings because they can.

Cops throw legit peaceful protestors in jail all the time.  They spray them with chemicals, they fire rubber bullets with impunity, they beat them.

But these lowlifes who are trying to stop the safe reopening of schools in the fall face no consequences for causing public meetings to be cancelled in violation of the law?  Why the fuck not?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Thanks to SW. Also…

    Dear Willful Idiots,

    I am a proud liberal and I feel duly “owned” by your 12 years of idiocy. You can stop now.


  2. puck says:

    That woman is “Crazy Eileen” and we were reminiscing about her eleven years ago. The embedded video in this post has succumbed to linkrot but I’m sure it was the same clip:


  3. Alby says:

    What’s now known as Trumpism has been loose in the land for a long time. If Gore had been declared the winner in 2000 is would have surfaced eight years sooner than it did.

    Trump is its apotheosis because he’s a victim as well as a perpetrator.

    They won’t be happy until they get their civil war, and neither will I. I want to see how many of them actually are willing to die for their cause. I’m hoping it’s all of them but I highly doubt it.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Alby: Can relate, part of me yearns for civil war part two, perhaps this ship of fools needs another lesson as the first was neither learned nor acted upon. As an old man I have no message and I shall not preach. But feel we will either face and deal with what we all know the problem is or be consumed by it.

  5. ScarletWoman says:

    I was startled to look back and see the widespread national coverage that the Crazy Eileen event got. Especially check out this book excerpt from 2010’s “The Backlash” by Will Bunch. https://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/13/books/excerpt-backlash.html
    (Thank you to puck for the reminder, I knew we had a nickname for her but thought it was ‘Lucille.’)

  6. Joan From Milford says:

    Obama is a Kenyan and the Democrats want to murder Jesus.