The Delaware Call’s KARL STOMBERG knows his shit. He won in the suburbs when conventional wisdom held that the suburbs are a bastion of timid Democratic Party moderation. But Stomberg can’t be everywhere. Knowing that, can (even more) progressives win in the suburbs? Read the Delaware Call and find out:
Building a Progressive Base in the Suburbs
It’s necessary and it’s possible, but how do we do it?
While the margin was narrow, the strategy seemed to work. 56 percent of our identified supporters had never voted in a primary before, and 16 percent had never voted in a general election. When the votes came in, we had increased turnout by over 60 percent from 2018, and we were able to confirm that many of the new people we had talked to actually did end up voting.
The inside the bubble DC Press corps REALLY wants Biden to come apart over the fall of Kabul. Even as they rent their garments non-stop, and show pictures of mayhem, actual Americans give leaving “The Graveyard of Empires” a +12% approval rating. Josh Marshall says it better: DC Press Hits Peak Screech over Biden Defiance
Related: It must be killing Coons to not be pissing on Joe right now alongside his buddies on the panel at Morning Joe.
While talking about Americans remaining in Kabul, Sean Hannity managed to plug Mypillow on yesterday’s episode of “The Sean Hannity Show”:
How would you like to be in Kabul today, as an American, and you can’t get to the airport? Where are you thinking your life is headed? If you’re one of those family members, I bet you’re not sleeping. I don’t even think My Pillow can do it. That’s where I go. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. These are going to be a lot of sleepless nights for so many of our fellow Americans. We’ve got to get them home.