Brady sends contrite letter to House colleagues – Not Resigning
Embattled State Rep pens apology and indicates he will finish his term.
REV Reporting at the Delaware Call
Embattled State Rep pens apology and indicates he will finish his term.
REV Reporting at the Delaware Call
Staying to serve as a model of redemption for other old white racist guys. He just gives and gives and gives.
Apparently a failure to flush at this point, and a resilient turd to say the least.
Why are there so many self serving arrogant corrupt buffoons in elected office? I mean even many of the people I agree with politically fall into the same flawed category. Why is it so hart to get people to step up who just want to improve the lives of the people they serve. Maybe I’m a bit naïve but it seems we should be able to at least get local representatives senators and councils in this little state to make the trains run on time dammit and the traffic lights work !
Assuming that’s not a rhetorical question, it’s because ambition and competence frequently have an inverse relationship. Politics draws a lot of people whose ambition outweighs their competence.
Also, as you might have already heard, power corrupts, and a little of it goes to many people’s heads. Some people start out all right and eventually grow entitled. Others, of course, start out entitled. Those are generally the ones widely recognized as corrupt buffoons.
First accurate thought you’ve had
Haven’t heard many male reps demanding his resignation. Fuckin Brady Bros.
Neither have they criticized his characterization of guys going for a rub ‘n’ tug as “Uncle Pervie.” Really? Something tells me Friday nights weren’t exactly a thrill ride for the former Mrs. Brady.
They are all complicit. Every single one – a political daisy chain