Delaware Liberal

National AFL-CIO To Gerald Brady: “Resign”.

No, not from the General Assembly.  From his position as the Executive Director of the Delaware AFL-CIO:

Liz Shuler, national president of the AFL-CIO, said in a statement on Friday that she was “sickened” by Brady’s “despicable remarks,” and called for his immediate resignation from the union chapter.

The AFL-CIO is the largest federation of unions in the country. Brady has served as the Delaware AFL-CIO executive director since 2003, according to his LinkedIn profile.  (Look up the term ‘useful idiot’ in the dictionary, and perhaps you’ll understand why.)

“The AFL-CIO and I are committed to ending discrimination and bigotry in all its forms,” Shuler said via Twitter. “Every single union member must come together to root out hate – from inappropriate language to acts of violence. America’s labor movement must use our position of trust to lead by example.”

Gee, I wonder if Delaware’s AFL-CIO President James Maravelias feels the same way about that commitment to end ‘discrimination and bigotry in all its forms’.  For that matter, I wonder if he was the intended recipient of Brady’s racist and xenophobic tweets.

The leaders of the House are still playing rope-a-dope with this dope.  You know, still ‘investigating’ the complaint and remaining unavailable for comment. Until right after redistricting.

Liz Shuler did the right thing.  She joins a select few.

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