DL Open Thread Monday August 30th 2021
Delaware Takes in Climate Change Refugees: Over 100 shelter pets from Louisiana airlifted to New Castle County as Hurricane Ida looms
On the Covid front – Its like DejaVu all over again.
Delaware’s COVID-19 cases, deaths and hospitalizations continue to rapidly rise with more than 354 new cases a day, as of Thursday.
Joe Biden Visits Dover Delaware
Sing a love song for the first to fall
Keep singing ’til they fight no more
Tell my love I’ll be waiting there
In Dover, Delaware
Dover, Delaware
“United States Marine Rylee McCollum, 20, was killed in Thursday’s terror attack at Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport. The fallen Marine’s mother, Kathy, said on “a radio show”… etc etc.
Guess the Oxy kicked in before you got to your point, if you even had one, so allow me to make it for you:
McCollum and his fellow Marines died doing exactly what they’d volunteered for — acting as “the tip of the spear,” in direct contact with the enemy. That they died protecting innocent civilians from fanatics makes their deaths doubly sad, but they honored themselves — and all the rest of us — with their sacrifice.
What makes their deaths tragic is that it came at the tail end of a 20-year clusterfuck perpetuated by politicians of both parties, careerist military brass and the ravenous defense contracting industry that has captured any part of our warfighting apparatus that a nickel’s profit can be squeezed out of. (But, of course, it’s not nickels, it’s hundreds of billions of dollars.)
To be clear – I truncated that guy’s post, and disinvited him to comment because there are plenty of places in the inter-webs to copy & paste Sean Hannity’s latest mouth farts. This isn’t on oof them.
Also – agree 100% with your take.
Rep. Mondaire Jones is pulling no punches and puts it together in a way that resonates with me.
““I think the reason House conservatives, Sinema, and Manchin don’t have specific objections to the substance of what the President has proposed in the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill is that their position is not ideological coherent,” he said. “Rather, it’s a political tactic. If progressives were supporting a $12 minimum wage and a public option instead of Medicare for All, you would have moderate Democrats saying ‘Well, I’m only comfortable with a $9 minimum wage and subsidies to Obamacare.’”
“There are people who are senior advisors to the President and members of the Senate Democratic Caucus whose primary concern with filibuster reform is that it would open the door to progressive policies being enacted,” Jones said. “And that begs the question, why are you even a Democrat?”
‘ Jones says that when he first got to Congress, he was told that some members of the caucus had confessed that they were only Democrats because the Republican Party had grown so overtly and proudly racist. The term “moderate” has been stretched beyond any meaning…’
Yeah. “Democrats” are far too welcoming of Republican frauds and scammers like Sinema and Coons.
I heard an interesting explanation of the difference between “moderates” and “centrists”. Moderates have a belief system that are pretty consistently in the center and they will change as the facts on the ground dictate.
Centrists are just Democrats that want to be seen as “to the right of most Democrats” which is what Mondaire Jones is suggesting.
Fuck both groups. Tomato/Tomahto Both are abetting the GOP.
Did you hear this explanation from a moderate, by chance?
Joey Magoo in Dover… Surprised he was able to stand for at least an hour.
Well, Joey Magoo, Joe is President, and you are not.
That song, “Dover, Delaware,” was written by English folksinger Jez Lowe, who has been a frequent visitor to Delaware. It’s on his 1993 album “Bede Weeps.”
Agree with the Puck, like Coons and Carper Sinema and Manchin are conservatives with a thin veneer of Dem about them. Moderate is code for Republican Lite in my book. As for covid it’s going exactly like the Spanish Flu in 1918, open up to early and it’s hello second wave.
The GOP political, media, cultural and “religious” mechanism is built to do one thing: discredit democrats.
When you have such party unity around one simple proposition nothing really matters. Everything is passed through the anti-Biden stamping press and comes out looking like dog shit. Nothing good will be credited to Joe Biden ever.
What I don’t get is why some Democrats still treat Republicans as if they are acting in good faith?
“Moderate is code for Republican Lite in my book.”
And “independent” is also code for Republican.
Independent is certainly a Republican Lite candidate, most of the people who I know who have left the Republicans and gone independent are still conservatives by nature, my brother included. But at least they tend not to have the Fascist mentality so common among the Republicans these days.
I’m not impressed by republicans who change their registration to independent. I’m even less impressed by people who vote third party because the Republican is racist/fascist but they just can’t bear to vote for the Democrat.
Remember, Reagan was elected by registered Democrats. By their votes shall ye know them.