DL Open Thread: Saturday, September 4, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 4, 2021

Here Are The Companies Who Funded Texas’ Anti-Abortion Supporters.  ‘We have a history of giving to both sides’, blahblahblah.  Where are all those tech companies who moved to Texas for lower taxes and less regulation?  Will we hear from them or will they remain silent?  Betcha we’ll hear from the workers. We’ve already heard from a few companies.  I’m beginning to think that Texas will rue the day…

Why I Only Read Politico For Stories I Might Post.  Snippets from today’s headlines:  ‘Biden At A Crisis Point…’;  ‘Biden Tries To Shift Blame On Afghanistan’; ‘The Election Gambit That’s Sending Georgia Democrats Into A Frenzy’; ‘…Democrats Face Enthusiasm Test’.  So why do I check out their site?  For you, and only for you.  So that you don’t have to.

Steve Bannon’s Campaign To Take Over The GOP From The Bottom Up.  It’s working.  To what end remains to be seen.

Oklahoma Overrun With Cow Parasite Drug Overdoses.  Cows are OK, though. That’s something.

Dog Bites Man Headline Of The Day.  Teh Insipid–It Burns.

Ex-Legislative Aide Pleads Guilty For Stealing From Fund For Retiring Secretary Of The Senate.  I feel bad for everybody involved in this.

That’s it. The Arden Fair beckons.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Hoping Texas does indeed rue the day and that this will be a hollow victory buried under several tons of lawsuits, that and the castigation of the first creep attempting to get the $10,000 bounty the state has placed on the heads of women. But they have illustrated just how far right the supreme court has become, and what evil awaits us in their coming decisions. Would love to see the legitimacy of the court challenged, it is long over due.

  2. puck says:

    To me the Afghan job going to Markell is a sign that Markell doesn’t have political ambitions. That job is radioactive for someone who wants a future in politics these days. Or at least for a center-right Dem. Besides, I agree with El Som that Markell is a good candidate. Markell likes being a CEO/czar.

    I was going to say Markell doesn’t have any racist baggage, then I remembered his long standing support for de facto segregated education – oops.

  3. puck says:

    About the Texas abortion bounty: FWIW I read that enforcement by bounty/civil suit is an end run around a potential block by a court. When a court blocks a law they typically do it by enjoining the AG from enforcing the law. But the Texas bounty leaves the AG and criminal law entirely out of the picture.

  4. Delawarelefty says:

    The High Priests and Priestess of the American Taliban now control the Supreme Court. How sad.