Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Sunday, Sept. 5, 2021

The media, having accomplished its task of pulling down Joe Biden’s approval ratings, have mostly moved on from Afghanistan in favor of trumpeting the Texas Abortion Freakout, which means the End of Abortion Rights in This Country. Look, I’m not trying to minimize how despicable this is, but this is a country awash up to its man bun in illegal drugs. Am I expected to believe that nobody is going to be able to smuggle the abortion pill into Texas, or the rest of Gilead that will soon pass copycat abortion laws? Sorry, no sale. I think a booming black market will develop, and probably has already begun.

Charlie Pierce is in favor of expanding the Supreme Court, which is not going to happen because too many of the 50 “Democratic” senators aren’t actual Democrats. Meanwhile, the good folks at the Satanic Temple have a plan to make abortion a religious rite. That won’t work either, but I’m giving points for the clever effort.

Stories of anti-vax talk show hosts dropping dead of Covid continue apace, but the media are growing rather bored with the red-state pandemic, probably because not enough children are dying to turn it into a crisis, and people are generally happy to see RWNJ talk show hosts carried out feet first. As a result, a story out of Florida about 15 Florida educators in the Miami area dying of Covid in a 10-day period generated almost no outrage.

But never fear, fear-peddling media — thanks to the world’s pathetic response to a global pandemic, new variants continue to develop. The one to keep an eye on is the mu variant, which apparently emerged in South America. Nobody yet knows if the vaccines work on it or not.

And just think, this week we have the bloated 20-year-after-9/11 packages to look forward to. Happy media consumption, suckers!

The floor’s yours.

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