DL Open Thread Monday September 6th 2021 – Labor Day
There is actual news today, no doubt.
Capitalism has always been a failure for the lower classes. It is now beginning to fail for the middle classes.
-Howard Zinn
There is actual news today, no doubt.
Capitalism has always been a failure for the lower classes. It is now beginning to fail for the middle classes.
-Howard Zinn
Four Day work week being tried in Scotland: Four Day work week being tried in Scotland
4 day work week a big success in Iceland Via BBC
Four day workweek suffers from a messaging problem. The way it would be implemented is to modify labor law to require time-and-a -alf after 32 hours, and define 32 hours as FT for most purposes (benefits, etc).. So message it as overtime reform. It’s a way to raise wages. Overachievers could still work as many hours as they want. It doesn’t mean everybody gets Friday off (although some employers would choose to do it that way).
There is also the opportunity to tie it to requiring predictable schedules, or else time-and-a-half for surprise shifts.
Cops Behaving Badly, Chapter the Millionth:
He was a law-abiding citizen–until he wasn’t:
“The big question that all of us has is, ‘Why?'” State Attorney Brian Haas said. “We will not know today or maybe ever.”
Bullshit. The guy was able to acquire a stockpile of weapons and limitless bullets. He was a sharpshooter in Iraq and Afghanistan and was suffering from PTSD. Who BETTER than him to have limitless access to weaponry? Who LESS likely than him to engage in a pointless shootout brought about by his diseased mind, courtesy of the US military?
Only WWE and Vince McMahon could pat themselves on the back for deciding to run their rasslin’ show two days after 9-11.
Now they’ve made a documentary about it:
You simply MUST watch the trailer. Hey, it’s what every streaming service is after: Content. Can’t bring those people back to life, might as well make some money off it.
“30 for 40” has repeatedly been advocated. Time to try again? Work 30 hours (3×10) and get your regular 40 hour pay. A week would give employers TWO shifts yielding 60 hours of labor…with no overtime penalty. Workers would get 4 days off every week. And ideally every week would have a secular sabbath day, when everything except emergency services would be CLOSED.
Think it would stand consideration?
Terrific character actor — best known for “The Wire” — Michael K. Williams, dead at just 54.
Omar comin’!