The Stupidest Country In The World?

Filed in National by on September 6, 2021

“Stupid” probably doesn’t explain us in full. I’d say we are an average IQ country with a higher disposition toward right-wing tribalism as a result of our very racist, anti-black history. Anyway, that’s nit-picking. Our story is far too implausibly stupid to be the plot for a decent movie or novel.

The Stupidest Country In The World
Would be a good missing reel for the movie Southland Tales (which is both awful and sort of great, hard to describe). An epidemic hits the country run by the game show president, against all odds he secures enough vaccine (money is never a problem) and his successor manages to distribute it, but the game show host’s followers refuse to take it and instead start shooting themselves up with horse drugs.
We have enough money to throw at every problem we confront, and stupidity and corruption prevent us from solving any of them.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Agreed, as Frank Zappa once said “Stupidity is the most common element on earth” and I could not agree more. Many Americans are so dense they can’t tell the difference between those out to get them and those that want to help, the vaccine game is a perfect example. Rather then take a scientifically developed vaccine the idiots flock to horse tranquilizers because their favorite talking head told them to. Disgusting to note that although the dead bodies are piling up in Florida the fools still largely support DeSantis.