Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday September 7th 2021

Tucker Carlson’s full endorsement of the use of illegal fake vaccination cards and his exhortation to “punish” the CDC annotated:

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Buying a fake vaccination card is not a, quote, serious crime.[quote “serious crimes” are ones committed by dark skinned people. Duh.] It’s not even close to a serious crime.[It is axiomatic that any crime committed by entitled white people cannot be serious. It is a testament to how far the country has fallen under Biden that he has to say this twice.]

Buying a fake vaccination card is an act of desperation by decent, law-abiding Americans [white people] who have been forced into a corner by tyrants. [forced into admitting their poor judgment, and lack of critical thinking skills in public.]

You know what’s a serious crime? Forcing Americans to take drugs they don’t need or want.[Did you catch that sly trick? Here the logic of the endorsement breaks down under its own inanity. Carlson knows that nobody is being “forced” to take a drug. They are being required to prove that they’ve been vaccinated to do some things they want to do like eat at certain restaurants and travel on airplanes.] That’s a very serious crime. [Its’s not] And let’s hope, in the end, someone is punished for it, severely. [Is pandering to fools, and constantly trying to work them into a violent lather criminal? it should be.]

Do you want to know that Tucker Carlson considers a “Quote, Serious Crime”?

I’m Christian. I’ve made mistakes. I believe fervently in second chances. Michael Vick killed dogs in a heartless and cruel way. I think, firstly, he should have been executed for that.



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