DL Open Thread: Saturday, September 11, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 11, 2021

Yes, I know what day it is.  No, I’m not gonna devote this thread to it.  Although you may wish to comment.  Your prerogative, that’s why it’s an open thread.

So. There was a House Ethics Committee meeting in Dover yesterday. Committee Chair Val Longhurst, whose ethics are not in question (she has none), has lowered the Cone Of Silence over the entire proceeding.  We have every reason to believe that Gerald Brady’s name may just have come up in the discussion.  We now know that his lawyer’s ‘defense’ is something along the lines of: The Honorable Gerald Brady is the last bulwark in opposition to legalized prostitution in Delaware, and his enemies are out to destroy his pristine reputation (well, ‘pristine’ other than his blowing up his marriage thingy):

“Out of state organizations are seeking to make prostitution legal in Delaware and they are trying to ‘cancel’ Mr. Brady…since he opposed their efforts to make prostitution and sex for money legal in our State and no longer a crime,” Thomas Neuberger, Brady’s lawyer, wrote in a letter to General Assembly attorney Karen Lantz.

“Many locally have been duped by these outsiders,” Neuberger wrote. “The ‘pretext’ which has been used to remove him from the Judiciary Committee on which he serves was Mr. Brady’s unguarded, free speech protected, and private email to a friend.”

I can’t make this stuff up.  And I’m good at making stuff up.  BTW, I think they’re gonna expel him–after they’ve done away with the 4th RD.  Which is/was Val/Pete’s goal all along.  In fact, I wouldn’t be shocked if the House expels him on the same day that they approve the new redistricting maps.

Personal To House D’s:  The State Senate demoted their ethical outlier (Nicole ‘No Longer’ Poore).  Why won’t you?

Why Businesses Love Biden’s Vaccine Mandate.  They don’t have to worry about being sued:

Angela B. Cornell, a clinical professor at Cornell Law School who focuses on labor law, said the mandates are a positive step for businesses. “This shift will make it a lot easier for employers to push those individuals who have been on the fence or who have been opposed,” she said. Companies won’t have to worry about being sued, since it’s a government mandate and not one from the employer, she said.

BTW, I really think the percentage of Americans who are mightily pissed off at Rethug anti-vaxx efforts are nearing a tipping point.  These school board meeting insurrectionists are not bringing people to their cause.  The vaccine mandate may be the best thing that Biden has done.  Bring It On.

Biden Was Talking To The Wrong People.  Persuasion doesn’t/didn’t work with the brainwashed and the idiotic:

Biden underscored that “a 25 percent minority” — some 80 million Americans — hadn’t been vaccinated.

“That 25 percent can cause a lot of damage, and they are,” Biden said. “The unvaccinated overcrowd our hospitals, are overrunning the emergency rooms and intensive care units, leaving no room for someone with a heart attack, or [pancreatitis], or cancer.”

And he offered stern words for rowdy travelers who’ve been captured on video railing against mask requirements: “And by the way,” Biden admonished. “Show some respect!”

It was a bringing down of the hammer that some Democrats have been urging. For some, Biden still took far too long to get there.”

The Newsom Strategy: A Template For D’s In 2022?  Take the offensive. Why don’t D’s do this all the time?:

Newsom has focused less on selling his accomplishments than on raising alarms that his Republican opponents will exacerbate the coronavirus pandemic by repealing the public-health protections, such as vaccine and mask mandates, that he has imposed to fight it. He’s linked the GOP candidates running to replace him not only to Donald Trump but also to Republican governors such as Ron DeSantis in Florida and Greg Abbott in Texas, who have blocked mandates and other measures to combat the disease.

The Rethugs are an existential threat to our country. Run on it.

40 Things That Have  ‘Gotten Better’ In The Last 20 Years.  Allegedly, at least.  Hey, what’s a column w/o a click-bait list?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Andrew C says:

    I wish the vaccine mandate had gone further, requiring every business, clinic, and doctor’s office who accepts Medicare/Medicaid dollars to vaccinate their entire staffs. At it stands, it only applies to “facilities,” which sounds like a nebulous word but it’s a strictly defined one when it comes to federal healthcare money. Sure, that covers many many people but it leaves out smaller clinics and medical offices like the one at which I work, which has shockingly not forced all our staff to be vaccinated. Our providers just don’t like to rock the boat and they’re afraid of the backlash, and it’s a shame.

  2. bamboozer says:

    On a lighter note all The medical facilities I’ve been to, including the dentist, are wearing masks and make it a point to tell you everybody who works there is vaccinated. Do you blame them? For every brain dead fool there are many more doing what’s right and necessary.

  3. DAAV says:

    El Som,
    Your “got a tip” page isn’t working for me.

    We would really like to set the record straight that we are not out of state actors.
    We have no stance on legalized prostitution.
    Every organization that joined us calling for Gerald Brady to resign speaks on behalf of people with a vested interest in his positions within our state government and organized labor.
    We will not tolerate Gerald Brady again deliberately linking the AAPI community to sex workers.

    Would you like to talk?


    • I’d love to talk. But Neuberger’s ‘defense’ is absurd on its face.

      Does anybody think that a movement to legalize prostitution in Delaware would not draw the notice of anybody? The media? Not a single legislator willing to go on the record?

      I KNOW you’re not out-of-state actors. I’m friends with some of you.

      Not to mention, let’s try to follow the logic here–the same people who PUT Brady on the Judiciary Committee have decided to remove him because they ALL WANT TO LEGALIZE PROSTITUTION IN DELAWARE,BUT HE DOESN’T???

      Trooper Schwartzkopf and Our PAL Val? I mean, John Atkins, perhaps…but he’s no longer there.

      Like I said–QAnon stuff.

      • El Somnambulo says:

        I can’t stop thinking about this–although I should.

        Did Brady’s mouthpiece come up with his QAnon theory on his own, or is this what Brady told him?

        Regardless, accusing the people who would pass judgment on his legislative fate of silencing him on behalf of a ‘Legalize Prostitution’ agenda is, um, not smart. And no one, NO one, ever underestimated Brady’s mental acumen. It was impossible to go that low.

        • Alby says:

          Not that anyone is actually trying to do this, but I’d like to know why he’s so worried about legalizing prostitution in Delaware, a state that doesn’t even allow nude titty bars.

          But it would be nice if this “defense” set off a conversation about legalizing sex work. Again, nahgahappen, but an actual progressive state would at least explore the issue — you know, instead of pointlessly debating gun control measures that won’t do dick to stop the bloodshed anyway.

  4. Y says:

    “The Honorable Gerald Brady is the last bulwark in opposition to legalized prostitution in Delaware, and his enemies are out to destroy his pristine reputation”