Delaware Liberal

Song of the Day 9/11: Pat Benetar, “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”

Joe Biden is hitting America’s homicidal Republicans with his best shot — a vaccine mandate that’s popular with over 60% of the public, even in deep-red states. Somebody should tell all those butch GOPers they’re acting like soy boys — man up and take the shot.

The tune, Pat Benetar’s first Top 10 hit (No. 9, 1980), ran into a bit of controversy when some people interpreted it through the lens of domestic violence — in the first verse she does challenge her rival to “put up your dukes.” But the song, by a Canadian songwriter named Eddie Schwartz, was written from a male POV (the original line was “before you put another notch in your lipstick case”), and the complaints soon died down — it’s been used in dozens of movie and TV show soundtracks since.

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