Can someone check in on Rick Jensen?

Filed in National by on September 14, 2021

COVID is coming for MAGAfuckhead radio hosts like it is Colin Bonini being called to supper.   I have’t listened to Jensen for years, but I have to think that he is still watching Sean Hannity every night and parroting everything he hears over the airwaves everyday. (The easiest job in radio, provided you have no scruples.) Which means he is debating the undebatable science around vaccinations, and generally passing along wingnut anti-vax nonsense under the dishonest ruse of “just asking the question.”

So…should someone check in on Jensen?

In recent weeks, several popular conservative talk radio hosts — including Phil Valentine of Nashville, Tennessee, and Marc Bernier of Daytona Beach, Florida, both longtime fixtures in their communities — died from Covid-19 after vocally opposing vaccination or questioning its value.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (26)

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  1. El Somnambulo says:

    I’m not down for this. I haven’t heard Jensen in years either, but, unless he’s parroting the anti-vax position, I certainly don’t wish him ill.

  2. jason330 says:

    I knew it was in very bad taste. But we should be and could be at 70% vaccinated instead of 53%, so I guess I was thinking that bad taste is a relatively minor modern infraction.

    nevertheless, I reckon I’ll take it down,

  3. jason330 says:

    Instead I updated it to make it slightly less in bad taste.

  4. Joe Connor says:

    So the big question is where did that head shot from the 90’s come from:)?

  5. John Kowalko says:

    I wish no one ill but I have been occasionally listening to Jensen and I have texted him on numerous occasions accusing him of lying, misleading and immoral diatribes. I have flat out personally accused him of not only mimicking the subhumans on Fox such as Hannity, Ingraham and Tucker but furthering conspiracies and outright race baiting. He has invited me on the air and I told him I would accept if he gave me the contact for the WDEL station manager so I could inform him of the disgrace that Jensen is (has become) to Delaware listeners. He has stated “on the air” that if listeners don’t agree with or are offended by his offensive mimicry of the right wing conspiracy theories re vaccines, black history education, police excesses etc. they shouldn’t reach out to his manager/boss but call him on the show and have at it. In the past I’ve called in to his show and have always stressed that if we were going to have any debate on these subjects (he so willingly and eagerly misrepresents and manipulates) that it would be in studio and not at the mercy of his muting the caller. He is a race-baiting, conspiracy enabler who has abused the privilege of hosting a radio show that is basically aired statewide. WDEL has sold its collective soul and I will never ever spend another dime of my supporters money to air any political advertisement (as I have often done in the past) until that station grows a conscience and considers the interest of society as paramount. However they do that is up to them but for now they have become a cheap knock off of Fox, Alex Jones and every lunatic infested site/broadcast. Shameful, sad and factually illiterate has become their public image and mantra.

    Representative John Kowalko

    • AQC says:

      Care to take a stand on Gerald Brady still being a sitting Representative?

      • John Kowalko says:

        Oh I see. A fan of the Jensen show. That’s understandable he is a “classy” guy with a well rounded agenda that promotes the health and well-being of society and the people.

        Representative John Kowalko

        • Ben says:

          So that’s a “no comment” then?

          Sounds like a Brady Bro to me. I wish you had the courage of some of your newer colleagues. I really can’t understand what’s so hard about saying “that gross racist should resign.”
          Must be too complicated for us dumb plebs to understand.

  6. El Somnambulo says:

    Never let a sentence suffice when a run-on unintelligible paragraph offers itself up as an alternative.

    Hey, I missed it, what was your position on the Brady controversy?

  7. John Kowalko says:

    None of your business pseudo-intellectual man.
    John K.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Meaning, it’s none of your constituents’ business either.

      Just so we’re on the same wavelength.

      • John Kowalko says:

        None of “YOUR” business!!! No either/ or involved. John K

        • El Somnambulo says:

          My bad. You came on here to take bows about calling out the racist rantings of Rick Jensen. A very brave stand to take on a progressive blog.

          Just thought people would like to know where you stood on racist rantings by a fellow House member.

          You proved me wrong. It’s none of my business.

    • ben says:

      Your constituents demand to know why you let Rep Wilson-Anton go it alone.
      We can only assume it’s because you agree with Brady’s comments.

      • John Kowalko says:

        Dear Arthur and Ben (indistinguishable anonymous first name characters that you are),
        At the risk of being rude, crude and offensive to both of you let me point something out to both of you.
        I surely have a few Bens and Arthurs in my constituency and I’m sure they have my cell phone number (302 547 9351) and I’m sure that those constituents would call me if they “demanded” to know my position on matters important to them and their families. I’m also sure that those constituents would call or email me and that they would not make scurrilous and unfounded accusations about me and my beliefs that have NO BASIS IN REALITY OR LOGIC. I’ve received and answered scores of emails asking my positions on gun regulations, vaccination policies, mask mandates, Charter School, conspiracy theorists, police responsibilities, education policies, climate change and corporate handouts and “YES” Racism. I willingly discuss and answer their questions and inquiries no matter how they might view my response. I try to respond to some of the most extreme adversarial positions with a candidness and honesty. Very few of those people choose a path of cowardly anonymity by demanding a response via some blog post which seems to be fueled by your personal shortsightedness and insecure personalities. Your statement “Imagine not being able to say you are against racism” is particularly uninformed and insulting. My record and efforts speak for themselves. If you think I owe either of you or any other anonymous coward a response regarding my position on racism, supporting my friend Rep. Wilson-Anton or any other matter because you “DEMAND” it than think again.
        Representative John Kowalko

        • AQC says:

          So, you don’t care to weigh in on Brady’s behavior?

          • Ben says:

            That’s what it seems like to me. It also seems he would rather trade barbs with anonymous strangers that he holds in contempt than address a pretty simple question…. I think it’s an ego thing. very few white men…. no matter how much of a self-dubed ally they are… are able to handle being called out to do better. (Did you catch how he used “my black friend” as a sheild? Yikes)

          • John kowalko says:

            I can’t seem to make those “Connections” in your request. Rep Kowalko

      • John Kowalko says:

        Hey Ben
        Don’t take this the wrong way but your (“my black friend” as a sheild? (sic)) remark has earned you the a**hole of the year award. Your obviously an insecure and petty little coward and I wont let you drag my friendship with and respect for Madinah and her qualities through your befuddled/addled and tiny poisoned mind. So let me offer you a very heartfelt and well-earned “eff” you to you and whatever horse or donkey you rode in on.
        Representative John Kowalko
        Bye the bye you have my cell number and email address if you’d like to discuss anything at all with me.

        • El Somnambulo says:

          You are officially your own worst enemy.

          How do you expect to accomplish anything when you torch anybody who dares to criticize you?

          In fact, I am respectfully requesting that you stop insulting the commenters. Now. Otherwise, you may well join John Atkins as only the second legislator to ever be barred from this site. Which, frankly, might be in your own self-interest.

          BTW, this applies to everybody: Get back on-topic here, or I’ll close the thread.

  8. John Kowalko says:

    I believe he brags that he is vaxxed but he brings on callers and guests who are anti-vax (FREEDOM!!!! sayeth Wm. Wallace) and his partner Randy (the libertarian) devoted fan of Rand and Ron Paul plays up that individual rights vs. government intrusion angle to the nth degree.
    John K.

  9. Jason330 says:

    Classic. Fully-vaxed anti-vaxxer. The listeners and fans of these guys are such dumbfucks. It is amazing.